Spirited Away

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I don't own Avatar: The Last Airbender.  It belongs to Nickelodeon, Bryan Konietzko, and Michael Dante DiMartino. I only own Kali and her story.
Kali was in her room on the ship when she heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." The princess said, her eyes never leaving the page in her book.

"Prince Zuko requests your presence." A soldier said.

Kali placed her bookmark on the page she was reading and headed upstairs to see if there was any news about the Avatar.
"Any news?" Kali heard Zuko ask as she walked up behind him.

"No, sir." Jee replied to Zuko.

"Nothing? How many places can there be for a giant sky bison to hide? And no reports of anything unusual?" Zuko asked.

"None." Jee replied. "Except..." Jee trailed off.

"Except what?" Zuko demanded.

"One of the resupply merchants mentioned something about kids playing with ice blocks near Senlin Pass, but he was probably mistaken." Jee told Zuko nervously.

"So, someone saw ice in a place where no ice should be?" Zuko sarcastically asked.

"Most people would call that unusual, wouldn't they, Lieutenant Jee? Unless they were an idiot." Zuko told the lieutenant.

Nobody said anything. Not even Kali.

"I'll send some men to investigate." Jee said.

No, I'll have to do it myself. As always." Zuko said and walked away with Kali following behind him.
Zuko, Kali, and Iroh walked into a village as Zuko had instructed not to mention the Avatar.

"Agreed. And we should tread lightly. The Fire Nation may control this territory, but it's still Earthbender country. We don't want to cause trouble." Iroh said, receiving strange looks from the villagers.

"When have I ever caused trouble?" Zuko asked, and Kali let out a snort.

They walked into a bar and were immediately given strange looks.

"I heard Waterbenders might've been around these parts not long ago. Did you see them?" Zuko asked the bartender.

"No." The bartender answered.

"But you remember hearing about them, don't you?" Zuko asked.

"Sort of."

Kali rolled her eyes at the bartender's answer.

Zuko pulled out some money, thinking he wanted money, but when Zuko asked him a question, the bartender gave "no" as an answer. Then the whole bar made fun of them.
"I could have beaten everyone in the bar, and you know it." Kali fumed.

"I know you could have. But I didn't want any unwanted attention brought to us, Kali." Zuko told her.

"You know, maybe I should show him my gloves." Kali turned around only to be stopped by Zuko.

As they were walking, a man got thrown in front of them, and a lady was riding her Shirshu.

The lady got off of the Shirshu and grabbed the guy roughly as she said, "Don't die, you idiot. I only get half if you die."

"What are you looking at?" The lady said, noticing them staring at her.

"A low-life bounty hunter." Zuko replied.

Kali smacked Zuko's shoulder and gave him a glare.

"Low life? Big talk for such a little boy." The lady smirked as Zuko attacked her, but Kali held him back.

The lady then flirted with Iroh, which Kali found very disturbing.

"Should've known they would've let mercenaries run wild here." Zuko commented, walking off.
"There you are. Where were you?" Zuko asked Iroh after he and Kali spent a few moments looking for him.

"Sorry, I was distracted by a game of Pai Sho." Iroh told them.

"Who won?" Kali asked.

"I'm not sure. I left before I could find out." Iroh told the white-haired Earthbender.

"Let's go." Zuko sighed in annoyance.

Iroh talked the couple's ears off as the lady from before came up from behind Iroh. Zuko quickly put together that Iroh had hired her to find the Avatar.

"June is the best at finding people, and that's what she does." Iroh explained.

"She's a mercenary. Her loyalty is bought and sold. How can you trust someone like that?" Zuko said.

"June is a professional. If she fails, she won't get paid, and she won't eat." Iroh told Zuko.

While Iroh and Zuko were arguing, Kali walked towards June and slipped her a few coins, whispering, "If you find the Avatar, I'll give you the rest." June nodded.

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