(Ch. 0): Something New to Watch

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Grian had been working on something. Ever since Limited Life ended, the participants had been simply floating amidst the void. All except two, Grian and BigB.

Grian had been quietly working at something new for the past few months, neglecting his role as a watcher. Truthfully, he'd lost interest in spectating the vast multiverse, he only wanted his friends back. That's what he created the Life games for in the first place, to see his friends and forget about the anguish of being a silent being who knows only to observe.

At least before he was allowed to watch his friends in their respective universes, but now they weren't allowed back. The other Watchers requested more games, so Grian made more. He also included more of his friends from other universes in the process. While the death game aspect was something Grian would have rather done away with, it pleased the Watchers and allowed him to keep seeing his friends. Plus, no matter what he does in this worlds, he can't have any consequences in the next. Another nice aspect is that they'll never know it was Grian who unintentionally trapped them here. And even if they figure it out, their memories are effectively wiped at the end of each game anyway. Grian could safely enjoy the nice moments while they lasted, all while slowly forgetting that he's a watcher. Of course, the memories all flood back eventually, but for a time he can forget.

BigB, another watcher originating from the same home universe as Grian, always liked it when Grian made a life game. He was in it for the same reasons as Grian at first, a way to visit friends outside of Watcher form. A nice and temporary nostalgic trip down memory lane. The big aspect he hadn't enjoyed, however, was the dying. Being a watcher for so long, and a relatively passive one at that, he was hyper-sensitive to pain. And dying always hurt. Bad. Yet, BigB could never resist the call. Unlike Grian, BigB hardly ever forgets that he's a watcher. BigB has no guilt, after all. BigB plays along with what the mortals want, all until his life is at stake. Once he's in genuine danger of pain, his loyalty flips to only himself. He is an immortal being, and such is why death scares him.

Once Grian finished working on his secret project, a mystery to even the Watchers, he called BigB to be near him. "What is it, Grian?" BigB questioned, "Why have you summoned me?" Grian held a golden flowing ball of light in his hands, inside sat the next game.

"Heh, funny you should ask that. It's actually a secret." Grian unleashed the ball of light, and suddenly both he and BigB were out of their Watcher robes and lacked their blindfolds and wings. They stood in a dirt circle with a campfire ablaze in the middle.

BigB smiled at Grian, now able to feel his mortal body again. He knew exactly what this meant...

It's time for round five.


Martyn's eyes opened to reveal a completely pitch black void. He looked around, the others surrounded him. No one was conscious but him. For him, the events of the last game felt like mere moments ago, and yet centuries could have passed in his mind. As he aimlessly floated, he looked down at his hands, perfectly illuminated in the pitch black void. Reality and time had no meaning here. There only existed bodies.

Scott. Impulse. He wanted to call out to them, he wanted to see if they maintained consciousness just as he did. He almost wanted to apologize. All this desire, and yet he couldn't move anything but his eyes. It's always the eyes.

He lay idle for some time. He wasn't sure how long, in a somewhat ironic way. His eyes darting to the barely recognizable remains of his dead friends. This trance only broken by a sudden falling sensation.

As he fell he watched in horror as his wounds healed, his outfit changed, and the ground beneath became visible. The pitch black void interrupted harshly by a colorful new world, lively with natural wonders and vast environments.

And then he landed, and in that instant Martyn lost all of his memories of his past life... again.

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