1. (DabiDeku)

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Third Person POV
A man dressed in all black walks down the hospital corridor, making sure to keep his head lowered. He knocks on the door of room 315. He stands there patiently until he hears a soft "Come in."

He steps in, closing the door behind him. He lowers his face mask and hood, revealing solid white hair and burn scars, held on to his skin by staples.

The woman inside turns to see her unexpected visitor, her eyes widen when she sees him. "T-Toya?" She asks in disbelief.

A small smile spreads on his face as he says, "Hi, mom."

The woman cries and runs to hug her oldest child, whom she'd believed to be dead. The man cries tears of blood as he hugs his mother.

Toya and Rei sit across from one another as she asks about his life.

Toya sips his tea as Rei asks a question he was nervous to answer. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

He knew she would ask, yet it still caught him off guard and as a result he spits out his tea. Rei chuckles and hands him a towel. He answers the question after he cleaned. "Yeah, I do. I think you'd like her."

Rei smiles and slightly tilts her head to the side. "Then I look forward to meeting her."

The two talk for three more hours, until Toya notices the time and decides it's time to leave. He stands up and walks to the door. He pulls up his face mask and hood. He turns to see his mother.

Rei hugs him. "I'll see you next week with Izuku?" She asks, pulling away.

He nods and says, "I'll bring Izuku to meet you next week."

"Bye Toya." She says as he pulls open the door and steps out.

"Bye mom." He says, closing the door.

Toya leaves the hospital, passing by a woman with shoulder-length white hair and red streaks and is about two years younger than he is. She's with a boy with solid white hair, who's about three years younger than the woman.

He chuckles to himself, knowing they are two of his younger siblings, Fuyumi and Natsuo.

'Guess Sho still can't bring himself to come see her.' He thought.

'Wonder what's so funny.' Natsuo thinks when he hears the man they just passed by chuckle. He shrugs it off and follows his older sister towards their mother's room.

Fuyumi doesn't bother knocking and just opens the door to see Rei sitting in a chair by her bed, looking out the window and smiling.

'She hasn't smiled in years.' The two siblings think in unison.

Natsuo walks over to Rei and hugs her, snapping Rei's eyes away from the window to see her second son is the one whose arms are wrapped around her.

"Hello Natsuo," She says as she turns to see her daughter standing there, shocked. "and Fuyumi." She adds, her smile never falling from her face.

Fuyumi snaps out of her trance and sits on the bed. Natsuo retracts his arms and sits beside his sister.

"So, what's got you so happy?" Fuyumi asks.

"Not much really." Rei says, remembering Toya saying that he didn't want his siblings to know he's still alive just yet.

"Mhm, sure..." Natsuo says, not buying the lie. "Cause you're always happy." He adds in a sarcastic tone.

"Natsuo, if mom doesn't want to tell us, she doesn't have to. It's none of our business."

"I know it's none of our business I was just curious and didn't buy the lie. You can't honestly tell me you aren't curious."

"Maybe I am curious, but it's still none of our business, so I'm not going to ask."

"So, why are you so happy?" Natuso asks, ignoring the death glare his sister is sending him.

"Just got some good news is all."

"What news?" Natsuo asks, trying to get as much information from his mother as possible.

Rei smiles even bigger and says, "I'm not telling you."

After Rei said that Fuyumi changed the subject, much to Natsuo's despair.

Fuyumi and Natsuo stay until a nurse walks in letting them know that the visiting hours are over.


Toya walks down the sidewalk towards the rich part of the city. He stops at an enormous white mansion with gold accents.

He walks to the gate and punches in the code and scans his retinas. The gate opens and he continues towards the house.

He opens the massive front door and walks in to be met with a hug. He looks down to see his angel. "Welcome back, Toya." The girl greets with a gorgeous and heartwarming smile. She has white hair with dark green roots, making the white hair look fake, though it's natural. Her eyes are the same shade of green as the roots of her hair.

"Hello Izuku." He says, running his hand through her hair. She closes her eyes and leans into his touch.

After a minute, Toya retracts his hand. Izuku looks at him, her lids lifting to reveal her beautiful eyes. He smiles and pulls her towards the grand staircase just ahead of where they're standing. He pulls her up the staircase and towards the left. They walk down the hallway to the last door on the right side of the hall. He opens the door and they both walk through, closing the door behind them.

Toya pulls Izuku to the king-size bed. He sits on the bed and pulls her into his lap. "H-how'd it go with your mother?"

He kisses the top of her head and pulls her off his lap. "She wants to meet you." He tells her.

"Really? Did you tell her I want to meet her too?" She asks, bouncing up and down on the bed.

"No, though I told her I would bring you to meet her next week."

Izuku pouts. "Why do I have to wait 'till next week?"

"Because I have to go out of town tomorrow." Toya tells her. She pouts harder and turns around. He pulls her back onto his lap. "Do you wanna do it before I have to leave?" He asks, kissing her neck.

"B-but w-what about d-dinner?" She asks, trying to keep in her moans.

He sighs and rests his head on hers, rubbing her belly. She places her hands on his lager ones.

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