6. Monsters (ShigaDeku)

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No quirk AU

Monsters are real, yes, but they don't live in the woods, they hide in plain sight. You pass them on the street every day. The real monsters don't live under your bed or in your closet. They live their own lives, in their own homes.

Monsters lie, monsters deceive, monsters hurt, monsters kill.

When you grow up and find out monsters are real, you wish they were just the ugly beasts that lived under your bed or in your closet that you imagined as a child. When you grow up you find out they look like humans, because they are humans. Humans are the monsters; we are the monsters. We have been the cause of every war, not shocking considering every war has been humans fighting.

When you grow up, you find out some humans are more monstrous than others.

The truly terrifying monsters are the ones that smile at you before twisting a knife in your back.

I'll always remember the day I found out monsters are real. After all, that was also the day I fell in love.

I found out monsters were real when I was fourteen. I was walking home from school, blushing because of how , much pain Kacchan gave me, when I was pulled into an alley.

I thought I loved Kacchan, but then I met him, a man who tried to kill me. Kacchan hurt me, yes, but he never meant it and I knew it, I simply liked to think he did. But this man, he wanted to hurt me, he wanted to kill me.

The man pulled me into an alleyway, where he stabbed me in my back, twisting the knife over and over and over again.

That was the most pain I'd felt in my entire life. The pain he gave me was much better than the pain Kacchan inflicted on me ever was.

That was four years ago, now, we have a beautiful little girl and twin daughters on the way. Tenko and I named the older one Hana, after his older sister, and we decided to name the babies I'm currently carrying Nao, after his mother, and the other, Inko, after my mother.

I remember the day Tenko proposed to me. I'd walked into the apartment I lived at with my mother as I was still fifteen. I found Tenko standing over my mother's corpse, holding a once white rose, but now crimson from my mother's blood.

I encased the rose in resin so I could keep it forever. I wanted something to remember the day by and since he couldn't afford a ring I chose to save the rose. After all, it was so sweet of him to get rid of the thing standing in the way of us being together.

The day I found out monsters were real was the day I found out I myself was a monster...

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