Meeting Grians family >:)

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(In this Grian and Pearl are siblings, scar does not know her also scar and grian are dating)

Grians pov:

"This is a horrible idea! I changed my mind I don't want to do this scar I'm not ready!" I said holding scars hand tightly as we sat in my car right outsides of Pearl's home

"It will be fine she is your sister she will accept you no matter what." Scar said wrapping an arm around me and hugging me gently. It felt nice to be hugged by the tall elf.

"I'm not worried about coming out to her, I'm worried about her thinking you're not good enough. she has some REALLY high standards when it comes to my dates!" I said beginning to panic about it.

"Grian, it will be fine I promise, if she doesn't like me then that's her problem." He said, he was good at calming me down when my anxiety got the better of me.

"I suppose you're right, ok let's do this" I said opening the car door and stepping out into the cold evening. I walked over to scar and took his hand as we walked up to the door of my sister's small house. Scar knocked at the door and pearl opened it after a few seconds.

"Hello Grian! I see you brought someone with you is this your boyfriend? Oh don't act surprised I knew you liked guys I saw the hotguy posters you had as teenager." Pearl said. I was about to answer her question then blushed in embarrassment at her comment about my old bedroom. It was pretty obvious now that I think about it...
Quickly, I tried to turn the conversation back to my boyfriend and away from my awkward teenage self.

"Ummm yeah this is Scar he is my boyfriend" I was attempting to act like this was no big deal. just a dinner with my sister and that I so happened to have brought Scar as my plus one.

"Hello I'm Scar, Grians boyfriend" scar said in his usual sweet oblivious way, gosh it's cute.

"Well you two can't just stand out there in the cold come in and sit down!" Pearl said, she seemed as if she was watching scars every moment. Analyzing him like he was a bug under a microscope.

Me and scar sat down on the soft couch that pearl ushered us to as we walked in. It was red and matched her home well, lots of red and white with hints of black and gray.

"So how long have you two known each other?" Pearl asked.

"We have known each other for a long time but we started to date about two months ago" I said. I leaned on scar as we sat there, Pearl listened from an arm chair.

"well I must say you two don't seem like- well I just mean, you know, you two are very...different. Kind faced, talks like he is oblivious to most things, tall and then a slightly scary prankster with lots of stress who is short" pearl it said kindly as if it would make up for the feeling like a dagger being plunged into my chest. She didn't think we were a good fit I knew this would happen but it still felt horrid.
Scar began to talk in my and his defense. He knew so well that it would stress me if I was left to talk on my own, he was just great like that.

"Me and grian might be different but opposites attract right?" Scar said happily.
Scar planted a small kiss on my cheek and hugged me letting go quickly so it was not that awkward. I blushed like crazy. I must have looked like such a dork.

"I suppose you're right." Pearl shrugged as she responded to scar. I was surprised for a second and I knew my face showed it, she- she just agreed with Scar, my boyfriend who she did not know before. this is a once in a a lifetime event!

We chatted for a while longer, just catching up and stuff. After a while the pizza that pearl had ordered for dinner from "lama's pizza" came, and we ate.

Me and scar walk back to my car in silence but we were both smiling and waving to pearl as she closed the door to her house.

"That went well!" Scar said as we got in my car.

"I guess it did." I Said then kissed scar on the cheek as I started the car.

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