Chapter 6

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Onika's POV

I went happy as ever home. Aubrey didn't seem to like the idea of me hanging out with the girls so I decide on just staying for the night. Maybe he is afraid they will tell me bad stuff about him or somehing. He doesn't need to worry though, I wouldn't believe anyhting bad people say about Aubrey! He is the sweetest guy ever and he actually likes me!

After getting myself ready, I decided to walk my way to Ariana's place since it was only half past 6.

I knocked on the door. Ariana quickly anweed the door.

"Hey Nika!" She gave a big hug. "I'm so glad you could come.

"Hi, and thanks for inviting me."

"It's nothing. Now come on in, everybody is wanting for you," Ariana said grabbing my hand and pulling me to her room where the girls were.

I said hi to everyone and they greeted back. Since the only free spot was between Ariana and Lauryn, I sat there.

"Miss popular

"Of course you are! That'swhat you get when you're with that bf of yours." Robyn said.

"Nah, you're exaggerating." I said.

"So Onika how is dating Aubrey?" Maliah asks with a sort of smirk.


"So that's it? No details?"

"What more am I suppose to say?" I ask not sure what they want me to tell them.

"Well, do you think he is a good kisser?" Britney asked.

"Yeah, he is." I cover my face as I feel the blush taking over my cheeks.

"Yeah, he is a great kisser." Maliah says. "But you know, he isn't the kind of person to keep long relationships."

"Oh." I say kind of disappointed. Their relationship lasted like 6 months though! That doesn't even make since. How am I suppose to give her ears...

"So don't be disappointed if he breaks up with you soon." She said now starting to sound like my sister. They're like besties.

"Your sister likes him too." Ariana said innocently. I wanted to get mad at her but I couldn't bring myself to it. I know she isn't about that drama life.

"Yeah I kinda figured that one out... Why wasn't she invited anyways?"

"Nobody likes her." Maliah simply stated looking at her finger nails. Well that took me by surprise.

The room fell in an awkward silence until Ciara broke it.

"Lets watch a movie!"

We all agreed on Mean Girls. Classic one.

Aubrey's POV

I went and picked up Nika from Ariana's house. I really didn't want her to go over there. I am afraid the girls will say some slick about me and she goes breaking up with me.

I walked out of my car and went up the door. I knocked and someone opened the door. It was Ciara.

"Hey Cici, can you tell Nika I'm here?" I asked.

"Yeah, hold on." She said and she walked back into the living room. A few minutes later Onika came with Ariana who was  begging Onika to a little longer.
"I really have to go now Ari. Next time I'm staying over, promise."

Dricki: Getting Paid (short story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें