Chapter 9

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Nicki's POV

Do you ever wonder if someone is just playing you? Me, I feel like that all the time.

Because of my past, I always feel like people are playing me. Like, nobody really wants to care about me. It's hard to trust people after you told someone everything, and then the next day you find out the only reason they cared about you, was because they were being paid them to do it. Imagine finding out that the person you thought cared about you, never really did.

Then they tell me that they're sorry, and that they started to actually want to be my friends. But how could you trust someone ater finding out something like that.

Thats what I love about Aubrey. He isn't my boyfriend for the money, He actually loves me. He atually makes me feel special. He makes me feel loved when no one else does. Hes one peson who actually wants to be with me.

And I just thought. I thought about everything. Aubrey, Nicole, school, friends, the future, the most random things. Everything! I was in a really nostalgic mood until I was interrupted by my door opening. It was my sister.

"Hey sis." He said calmly closing the door behind her.


"How are things with you and Aubrey?"

"That is none of your buisness." She just loves to piss me off.

"Well, I just here to warn you. Aubrey isn't that great you know. He has been known to cheat on girls..."

I rolled my eyes. "You don't need to warn me about anything, okay? Why can't you just accept the fact that he is my boyfriend and stop trying to ruin it for me?" I asked now standing up.

"I'm not trying to ruin anything for you. I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I'm not going to get hurt."

"You never now Nika. You never know..." She said as she made her way out of my bedroom. I groaned and fell back onto my bed. I just need to stop listening to her. She is making me paranoid. Maybe I should just talk to Aubrey. He'd make me feel calmer.

I grabbed my phone and sent him a text which he immediately reply to.


Hey! Is everything alright?

Everything is just fine. Can you come over please? I miss you ❤️

Aubae😍💎💋💖 :
Anything for you! On my way now

Aubrey's POV

I wasted no time going over to Nika's. I just hope there isn't any trouble.

As I was about to ring the bell, the door swung open revealing Nicole and Maliah. Most favorite people...

"Hey baby. " Nicole said.

"Don't call me that Nicole, we're not dating." I said. She just rolled her eyes at me.

"You should come have fun with us."

"No thanks I came here to see Onika."

"It wasnt a question." She said with an evil smirk.

"What do you mean it wasn't a question?"

"I mean, if you don't come hang out with us l and give us what we want, your little girlfriend is going to find out your secret."

"Again, I don't have any secrets."

"For the last time.... Give it up. I already know. Your conversation with my dad was not very private."

This is not good, this is not good. But what other choice do I have?

"What do you want?" I crossed my arms.

"Just come upstairs with us babe." Maliah said. I looked at her then rolled my eyes.

Nicole pulled me by my hand and took me to her room. She tried to kiss me but I backed off.

"Uh, bitch are you crazy?" I asked.

"No, but if you don't want Nicki to find out, you better kiss me." She roughly kissed me like we were both turned on.

I don'tt like her, nor sloppy kisses, lacking of emotion. And to make things worse and more awkward, Maliah came hugging me from behind and kissing my neck.

"Hmmm, Aubrey..." One of hem moaned. Ugh.

Onika's POV

I heard someone annoying loud moaning coming from Nicole's room. She is so gross. Is she seriously doing this while our parents are home?

I went to her room to see what the hell was going on and just as I opened the door wide, I couldn't believe my eyes.

My boyfriend was practically having sex with two girls. One being my sister for crying out loud.

I felt my throat getting dry and tears threatening to leave my eyes.

"How could you!" I managed to yell. Aubrey jumped shocked to the sound of my voice.

"Shit, oh baby  this is not what it looks like!" He said panicking.

"No! What does it look like to you, huh?!"

"Onika I love you! I'm sorry I had to do it!" He said. I saw a tear go down his cheek.

"You don't love me! Cause if you did, you wouldn't have done this to me."

"You're right he never did love you. He didn't even want to be with you in the first place." Nicole said with a smirk.

"Don't listen to her." Aubrey said without looking back.

"What are you talking about Nicole?" I asked. For some reason, what she had to say seemed interesting.

"Well daddy decided to -"

"DONT LISTEN TO HER!" Aubrey yelled at me.


"Daddy paid your little boyfriend to love you. He never did love you. He was just paid like everyone else." She told me. It felt like a hundred bricks falling on me. My world turning black and white. My happiness fading away.

"I actually thought you loved me. And to think for a second I actually loved you to! I loved you more than anything in the world! And you just played me!" I said calmly. I had no more energy to yell or scream. Just numb.

"She told me if I didn't do stuff with her she would tell you! And i couldn't risk it because I actually fell for you! Because I love you! I really do."

"You know what, just leave.. I said finally crying. I ran out of here to my room with him following behind me. I locked the door before Aubrey could get in.

"Onika, open up!"

"Go away, just remember that I loved you." I had my back against the door then slid down crying my eyes out. I just lost the love of my life, not sure if I ever had it in the first place.

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