Rest In Peace Mr. Toriyama

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Well, 2024 just keeps getting worse, but this one hurts me more than anything else right now.

Akira Toriyama has passed away. I could say a million things right now, but Wattpad wouldn't give me enough characters, so I'll just say what needs to be said, and that's Rest in peace. Rest In Peace to not only a legend not only to the greatest and most important man in all of anime and manga, but Rest In Peace to the GOAT of all GOATS.

Rest In Peace to the man who has inspired millions of people for decades now and will continue to do so for lifetimes to come. Dragon Ball means the world to me, and it's no surprise to anyone here or especially those who know me well. Without it, without Goku, Vegeta, and everyone else, I would not have gotten through not only major parts of my childhood but also the hardest moments of my entire life. Without it, I wouldn't be here on Wattpad, and I damn sure as hell wouldn't be who I am today, and I feel as though I can say that for a lot of people.

So thank you, Mr. Toriyama, for your work, for your efforts, for the constant screaming matches and beam clashes, for all the memories of the millions of us imagining we could fire a Kamehameha, for all the transformations, for all the happiest of cheers and saddest of tears.

But most of all, thank you for showing millions of others and me never to stop fighting and improving, and that with just enough training and belief...we all can become Super Saiyans and achieve our greatest of goals.

Thank You, Toriyama, for everything.

Thank You, Toriyama, for everything

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