Well Screw You Too!! Dirk x Reader Chapter 1

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I do not own Homestuck, the characters (except for Alice and your brother), or you for that matter. The only thing I own here is the plot and previously said your new sister "Alice" and you brother. There may be some lemon later in the story. There will be strong language so if you don't like don't read.  Also there may be possible sadstuck. So if you are sensitive to sadness, death, self-harm, etc. then I suggest you look for fanfiction elsewhere. If you already have a little sister name Alice then putting yourself in the story will be easier. I'm going to write the "reader" as a girl, if you aren't a girl but you want to read a story between you and dirk, I'm going to write about that in the future. This is my first fanfic EVER so input is accepted and wanted. On that note I do not appreciate nor do I tolerate hate. Alright good? Good, let's get started.

"(Y/n)!!! It's time to get up and get ready. We both have school come on," my sister, Alice, nagged. "Fuuuuck!!! Alice, I don't need to go to school. I can beat Sollux in a hacking competition, that's about as smart as one gets," I said.

"We're being forced to go, remember the trial?"

"Don't remind me, never again will I ever go to a damned court"

Me and my sister live alone. We've lived alone almost all her life. It started when I was around 12. We weren't legally allowed to live alone, but I had a job and picked up another one to prove I can support us. So we're allowed to live our lives just as long as we go to school. I don't really care for collage but Alice wants to go. Before that our brother used to take care of us. That was when Alice was just an infant though. Our brother left to get a better job. I don't want to say he dumped Alice on me because he didn't. I actually suggested it.

"Well then you know you need to get ready. Come on," Alice pulled my covers off.

Whatever it's not like I slept anyway. I got up and Alice left the room. Looking back to make sure that I wasn't going to hop back in bed as soon as she left. I got out of my clothes and put on a black t-shirt with a red dragon on it and some really dark black jeans. I styled my hair in a quick way that showed all the fucks I give and left the room. I went down to make Alice some breakfast. While it was cooking she took over and I went back up stairs to brush my teeth. This was actually going to be our first day at new schools.

When Alice had eaten and was ready to go I got on some black combat boots, grabbed our bags and left the house. I don't own a car. What I do have is a motorcycle, and I am a pretty fucking great driver. I gave my helmet to Alice, hopped on and helped her up. We got out of the drive way and started the 10 minute trip to her school.

I must have been in a good mood that day, because I only flipped off like 5 people. Let it be known that all of those people had cars or trucks at least 6 times bigger than my motorcycle. Let it also be known that I truly did not care. Yeah, I have some balls if I do say so myself.

When I got to my sister's new school, Prospit Academy, she hopped off, gave me the helmet, and scolded me for almost picking fights. I could tell she was impressed by my new record of "least people I flipped the bird to" though. I handed her bag over, hugged her good bye and waved her off, reminding her that she was going to be late. I truly love my sister, more than anything.

"Bye (y/n), Love you!!!" she yelled as she skipped to the school doors.

"Love you too! Make some friends and have fun okay!?" I shouted back at her.

Alright now I need to get to my own school. I parked my motorcycle in Prospits lot and started towards my school. I could run the 15 miles to my school in no time but I didn't want too. I never cared to be on time. I stopped half way to my school at a manga store. I went in and bought the next "Loveless" book I needed to read.

I paid for it and stuffed it in my bag. I was about an hour late to homeroom so I decided to get a move on. I ran along a fence headed straight for my new school. Derse High. I decided to go stop for a few minutes and practice my flash stepping. After I found that I was still indeed perfect, I ran the 4 miles to my school in 3 minutes. I can't flash step to often though. Even if I don't feel it, it takes a toll on my body. I just stood there not being able to see for a few seconds. It's like when you get up too fast and you can't see and you get dizzy and all. The effects only last for a moment though. I walk through the doors and to the front desk.

"Hi, I'm (y/n) (l/n). I'm new here. Do you have a schedule for me? I don't know where to go," I said politely.

"Yes, here you are (y/n). You should also be getting a uniform sent to you sometime tomorrow. Your class is down that hall to the right. 413, you couldn't miss it. Have I seen you before?" she was very nice, although she tended to talk a lot. which was okay in my book.

"Yes actually we have. You're Ms. Serket correct? Aranea Serket? I believe we met one time at Alternia Library," I answered.

"Oh Yes!!! I remember now. You are one of the only 2 people I know who checks out so much manga!"

"One of the only 2? I'll have to meet this other person!"

"I thought so. I wasn't sure who you were but I decided to make sure of something. You have plenty of classes with him. You'll be sure to meet him"

"Okay then, I'm late so I better be off. See you around!"

"Yes, have a good day."

And with that I left. I made it to room 413. I was in a better mood than I thought. Especially when  I saw that the teacher was my moirail's older brother.

"Ms. (l/n), why are you so late? I know for a fact that you could've been here on time. Honestly It's your first day and you are more than an hour late," Professor Vantas rambled.

"Meh. Why are you even bothering with the lecture Kankri. Being this late, you'd think that it might give a hint to the absence of all my fucks," I said.

"Ms. (l/n), I do realize that you are familiar with me through my younger brother, but that gives you no excuse to talk like that"

"I would've said the same thing or something similar to anyone else. Now can I sit down?"

"Yes right over there. You will be receiving a uniform sometime soon. Class this is (y/n) (l/n). She will be joining us for the rest of the year and years to come. Do you have anything to say (y/n)?"

"No" and I sat down in the back next to a boy with admirable, spikey, anime like hair and pointy shades.

The whole class was staring at me and my fantastic entrance. 'Alright, time to  get this day over with' I thought as I sighed. 

Well Screw You Too!!!Dirk Strider x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now