Author's Note

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Hey guys! First I would like to thank you again for all the support you've all been giving me. It really encourages me to write more. I'm still going to be writing both my current stories, but there's a small problem. I have the next few chapters written in a notebook ready to be copied on to here simultaneously . The problem is I use internet explorer and writing is really difficult with the current problem. I can barely write this paragraph without being frustrated. So I'm going to postpone the POSTING of the next few chapters until the problem is fixed. I repeat, I will postpone the POSTING of the chapters. I will continue to write them and maybe some more. I'm planning on having at least 3 edited chapters done and posted around the time the problem is fixed. I really want to get these up as soon as possible and I don't want to let you guys down. Also, this gives you guys a chance to comment or message me on where you want the story to go. Even little details that you would like to see come up in this book. Thank you all again.

                                                                                         Have a good day!

                                                                                                                                  ~ Author

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