Well Screw You Too!!! Dirk x Reader Chapter 7

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(Y/n)'s POV~

I grumbled as I went to the girls locker room.

'If it weren't for Jake and Dirk, I would be sipping tea while reading manga! God damn it, they just won't let me live my life will they?'

I got some running clothes out of my bag and changed in a bathroom stall. I may not have been wearing uniform but it'll do. The uniforms here were clearly designed by perverts though. White short sleeved shirts with shorts not longer than underwear. No way in hell was I wearing that.

I stuck with a basic black running shirt and black sweat pants.

Once I was done a walked out to the track field. It was a miracle I got there, I kept losing sight of people actually going to the meeting spot. I should've asked Dirk.

Once there the teacher had started instructing us on todays activity.

"Today we're going to do the Presidential Fitness Test! We've been training for about 2 months and I know you you're strong enough do it!" he declared.

This was Dirks cue, apparently.

"Mr. Zahhak, (Y/n)'s new. She hasn't trained with us at all," he informed.

'This bastard thinks I can't keep up! Fuck him! I got this, just gimme a reason and I'll beat the shit out of this test!'

"It's fine, I'm really active so I can keep up," I said.

"Ms. (L/n)! Why aren't you wearing a uniform!" Mr. Zahhak bellowed.

I didn't feel the need to respect this asshole if my life depended on it. No way was I going to give in to him.

"I don't have it yet, and even if I did I'm not wearing something so slutty," I shot.

"Your language is... leeewwwwd"

'Da fuck?'

"Yeah, get over it"

"How about this, if you win a race against anyone of my choosing, then you don't have to wear a uniform here"

'Ha! Easy!"

"Bring it"

"Mr. Strider, I need you to race our new student"

The whole class just stared. Dirk walked up to us.

"The two of you will be running three miles. There is a flag at the point of return, the first to bring it back wins!" Mr. Zahhak decided.

I followed our teacher to what seemed like the starting line (a cross walk by the school).

"Ready? Go!" He said as soon as we were lined up.

I decided to show the class what's what by flash stepping the first part. I figured I would be far enough away.

That's not what happened though.

He was actually keeping up with me! No fucking way was I going to be out ran by a guy I just met today!

'I had no idea anybody else could do this sort of thing though'

I didn't care, I just kept running.

Dirk's POV~

'No way, only Striders can flash step'

I didn't want to be beaten by here, but I wanted to see how far she could go. We kept going and were already there looking for the flag in a short moment. I wanted to ask her where she learned how to flash step but kept it to myself.

I didn't really care about the flag and (Y/n) found it pretty soon.

We were on our way back when I notice something.

She winced and covered her eyes. Almost like she couldn't see for a moment.

(Y/n)'s POV~

'Shit, I can't see much'

If I had known he could flash step I would've been more careful to begin with. I can't flash step for very long at all with out paying a price for it.

I'm not sure why but when I flash step I feel a little faint and go blind for a moment. I pushed myself to the limit.

'Almost there, just a few seconds'

Before I knew it I was standing at the finish line flag in hand. Dirk was shortly behind me. Everyone, including Mr. Zahhak gawked at me.

I closed my eyes for a minute but cover it up with a sigh saying:

"Looks like I won, should we get on with the class now?"

Dirk's POV~

I can tell she's hiding some sort of pain. Something's wrong with her.

Well Screw You Too!!!Dirk Strider x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now