Chapter 10

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Dirks POV~

Okay so here I am waiting outside (Y/n)'s place. I see a little girl walking up to the car and what does my lil' bro do?

"Hey babe!"

Who the fuck is this girl to him? Why does she look so familiar?

"Hi Dave! Sorry, my older sister is... Um, well... *sigh* sharpening knives again,"

"Huh, okay. May I ask why???"

"She does that when she gets... protective?"

That's (Y/n). So this kids her younger sister. They look pretty much the same. A few differences here and there, but damn. When this girl grows up she's going to look just as h-

"Alice! Wait up!" I heard (Y/n) call.

"There you are sis! It's not polite to keep our ride waiting," Alice huffed. She scooted into a the back seat next to Dave. He got is IPod out and offered an ear bud to her. As (Y/n) got into the seat up front Alice rummaged through her bag and took out a box.

"Here (Y/n), you didn't eat yesterday. Eat some now for breakfast and have the rest for lunch."

Huh, so Alice is that kind of sister. Like the ones in the anime.

"Uhhg, okay, okay."

I noticed she shot daggers at Dave with her eyes. He was to busy pulling up mixes to notice, but (Y/n) was pissed. I have mixed feelings about it too. I don't really know that girl but if she's like (Y/n) she knows her power. Damn, okay never mind. Instead of a little sister type she could just be a crazy yandere.

Before Dirk knew it he kept glancing back to watch the junior students. 

Dave's POV~

WTF Bro. Chill I'm trying to make a good impression!

Alice's POV~

Sis! You always do this. Stop being so protective!

Alice waited until they dropped them off to give Dave his lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2016 ⏰

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