Well Screw You Too!!! Dirk x Reader Chap 4

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(Y/n)'s POV~

'He seems nice.' Jake went and sat down at a different table. Looking around I figured we were in art class. I kind of like art. I don't particularly "like" a lot of things, but art makes sense to me. Still, this class couldn't teach me anything a didn't already know.

"Hey Dirk, why are some kids not dressed in uniforms?" I asked.

"This is art class. The teacher lets us wear whatever we want here, she says it's not good for our creativity to dress the same," he answered.

The teacher, or who I assumed the teacher was, walked in a sat down to look at some papers. She got up and started writing stuff on the white board. Strangely enough she never took attendance. 

"Hello my wonderfurrl class!" she greeted. She looked around and sniffed the air a little bit.

"It would seem we have a new student!"

'Shit!' I thought. I was so close! A few more minutes and she would've started droning on about homework or reviews. Instead she just HAD to notice me! 'Fuck! I'm going to be doing introductions all day aren't I?'

"Why don't mew stand up and introduce yourself?"

'Called it' I stood up.

"I'm (Y/n) (L/n), and I have the unfortunate honor of joining you this year," I blabbed and sat down.

"Hmph, (Y/n) mew should be nicer to your classmates in the furrture. Okay? I'm Ms. Leijon. If mew have any questions I can give you a revmew later," she scolded. She proceeded to hand out a small packet to everyone and sit at her desk. She was probably figuring out more cat puns. I looked at Dirk.

"What's with the puns?" I asked/

"Fuck me if I know, it's a Leijon thing I guess."

"The person currently staring at you may take you up on that offer," I said as I pointed to his right.

He looked over, turned to his paper, and pretended he didn't see anything. I looked around him to inspect this mystery starer further. I caught a glimpse of their silhouette but was distracted by a note that had hit my desk. It read:

'Don't look at them, don't talk to them, don't think about them. That person is crazy, and they will drag you down a rabbit hole deeper than Serket's feelings for Nick Cage.'

'Really? I didn't think Aranea was into guys like that. I didn't think she was into guys at all.' I wrote back.

'You've got the wrong Serket. It's her little bitch of a sister you're looking for. That's not the fucking point though. The point is to not associate with the person far to my right.'

'You're not the boss of me.'

'Holy shit. No, don't go there. Just don't.'

'Go where? Oh are you sensitive to rebels? Pretty lame for such a "Cool guy" don't ya think?'

'That's not it at all. Fuck! Okay. I don't normally do this but... If you do me this one favor, I'll do some sort of chore for you through out the year.'

'Woah, that bad huh?'

'You have no fucking idea.'

'Okay then. Do you have a car?'

'Yes why?'

'You have to drive me to school everyday, startiiiiiiinnnnng..... Now.'

'Whatever. What time do I need to pick you up and where do you live?'

'Here's my address ________. Every day I  need to drop my lil' sister off at Prospit.'

'I have a lil' brother who goes to Prospit too. Alright what time?'

'How about at around 5 every morning.'

'Why so early? Afraid you're going to be late?'

'No. I just like to stop at the book store for some manga and what not.'

'Cool. My bro's not going to be happy.'

'Meh, If my sister's met him already then he'll be grateful to arrive with her.'

'Is she some sort of evil temptress?'

'Pfffft, no. Just the opposite. She's the most perfect angel ever to exist. I swear, it's like she takes care of me instead of the other way around.'

'Alright then. 6 every morning then?'

'Yeah, I won't be "consorting" with any staring people any time soon.'


Welp, at least I had a ride.

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