Well Screw You Too!!! Dirk x Reader Chap 2

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'Let's get this day over with' I thought with a sigh.

Mr. Vantas handed out our assignments. I looked at them baffled at how simple they were, but oh what a waste of time! I scribbled my name and had all of the questions done in a matter of minutes. I could assume that the paper was supposed to take the rest of the hour, yet I was already done. And bored. And agitated. I raised my hand to say I was done. Mr. Vantas nodded at me as to say he'll be there soon. 

I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Until I eventually got fed up. I made a paper airplane out of the god forsaken paper. I proceeded to throw the fucker at the teacher. Yeah it hit him. And yeah I have no regrets.

The boy next to me smirked and glanced at me.

"(Y/N)! Throwing paper airplanes is very triggering young lady! I don't like to yell but you've forced my hand!" Kankri scolded.

"I'm done with my work," I blandly said.

"Oh, well where is it?"

"I threw it at you"

Kankri picked up the piece of paper and looked at it.

"Ms. (L/N), there's no work shown here. Did you copy one of your neighbors?" he questioned.

"No one else is done, there's no one to copy off of. I would have shown the math but then I would have to spill my brain matter over the paper. If I had shown my work, you wouldn't have been able to read the answers. I was being considerate," I lectured.

"Your sarcastic demeanor shows through the way you speak. I will not tolerate this. It may be your first day, but after school you will have detention. Maybe while your there you will think about your actions. Hopefully you will learn your lesson. The teacher there does not tolerate sarcasm. If you trigger him it will not end well for you. Tomorrow I expect better beha-" Kankri got cut off by the bell.

Thank god!! I can handle rambles, but I bet if someone let him he could talk a whole week. The worst part is that he would be saying the same thing over and over again! 

While I was getting my stuff 'shades' decided to speak up.

"Hey, good luck with detention. Also this school's going to surprise you all day. Some of the other teachers will no doubt hate you," he warned.

"Meh," I answered.

He chuckled to himself and went back to a poker face.

"Do you need someone to show you to your next class?" he asked.

"No, but... it would be a little helpful... I guess," I pondered.

"Well you just got your self an escort, the names Dirk," he introduced.

"Sorry, but I'm not interested in one maybe two night stands. Especially when I have to pay for them," I said sarcastically.

"Well someone has a dirty mind, let me see your schedule," he teased.

I handed him my balled up schedule. I could tell he was mentally comparing it to his.

"This is a first. We have all the same classes together. Guess we have to be 'friends' and shit," he said.

"Meh," we started walking to our next class.

"So, you like manga?" he asked

Something inside me sparked.

"Yes, yes I do. I'm currently reading 'Loveless' and 'Kamisama Kiss'. They are two different genres but I like them both. Plus, I like to expand my horizons. My favorites include 'Death Note', 'Attack on Titan', 'Fruitsbasket', and a lot of others. Mainstream manga/animes are okay, but it's fun to find an undiscovered jewel once in a while," I spoke really fast.

He just sort of stared at me. I stood there wondering whether I had completely blown any chances of ever talking to him. Not that I would care anyway.

"What about 'Tokyo Ghoul', do you like that one?" he asked

"I really like it. I'm only on the second part though. Y'know, after he gets tortured," I said dumbfounded.

Something flickered through his shades. Almost like he had an idea, but it was impossible to tell with his damn poker face. Stupid cool kid act. It already pisses me off.

Well Screw You Too!!!Dirk Strider x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now