ᯓ★[AppleDash] Apologies Rewrite

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In 2019 I published a oneshots book for Appledash and one of the stories was called "Apologies" where Applejack tries to apologize to Rainbow Dash for bullying her in their childhood.

 In 2022, I made an announcement that I would rewrite it and I did start but eventually just lost motivation to write at all. I also wrote a bunch of other stuff (non appledash) and I just don't want them to be sitting in my laptop so here they are ehe 


Who knew confrontation could be this scary? Applejack is not one to shy away from confrontations. She had always been headstrong, confident, and knows exactly what she wants and what to fight for. She usually would walk towards you confidently, eyes filled with determination and purpose, and tells you what is needed to be said. But somehow, this time, she's sweating, her hands are shaking, and her legs refuse to move.

Usually, she can easily go talk to anyone. Heck, making friends is second nature to Applejack – one of the perks of being an extrovert. But this isn't just anyone though. This is someone she had history with – intimate history with – and this isn't just any ordinary confrontation.

Right at the middle table of the cafeteria with the soccer team sits Rainbow Dash, Applejack's ex-girlfriend. Well, not exactly ex-girlfriend since they never truly labeled their relationship, but certainly an ex of some kind. Applejack stares from a table, as Rainbow smiles and laughs at one of her friend's jokes, her rainbow ponytail swinging swiftly from side to side as she fights one of her teammates for taking her fries. Rainbow is almost the same as she remembers her – still very rambunctious and cheerful, still a glutton as evident in the pile of food on her side of the table, and still very beautiful.

Applejack is not one to shy away from confrontations but this is different.

Applejack could not help but reminisce of their time together, while they were still very young. They first met in grade school, after Applejack accidentally hit Rainbow on the head with a frisbee. Although to be fair, she did not see her, and who the hell sleeps on a tree branch in the first place? That looks uncomfortable! Still, as unconventional their first meeting was, they soon became friends. Although Rainbow would occasionally bring it up and how Applejack "almost killed her" to which Applejack usually just roll her eyes at. Dramatic much?

Quickly becoming best friends, they did many things together. They set up sleepovers, camped on forest Everfree, Applejack went to all Rainbow's games, and the latter would often come to the farm to help. There was one time where Rainbow was so eager to hang out with Applejack that she tried to finish all her chores for her. Key word on tried. Everything was done so clumsily that they had to redo everything. Rainbow never stopped pouting the whole time.

Applejack smiled at the memory. She remembers how competitive Rainbow was back then, always wanting to be the best and hates backing down. Applejack wonders if she's still the same way now. She herself was never the competitive type but Rainbow definitely brought out a different side of her. They turned almost everything into a competition. It was stupid really, how determined they were to outdo each other, but it was all in good fun.

Even with their competitive nature, they had always been there for each other. Rainbow tends to be very reckless and often times let her ego get the best of her, but Applejack always managed to ground her. And Rainbow...truly was a good friend. On fifth grade, she set up an apple juice stand, earning some unwanted teasing from some of her schoolmates. Rainbow immediately yelled at them, and maybe would have fought them if not for Applejack calming her down. Rainbow was there when her both her parents died from an accident. She truly did not know what to do at the time, her world was plunged into darkness and Rainbow was a beacon of light that brought her a sense of happiness.

Everything started to change when they started middle school. Identity is a weird thing, isn't it? We go through our whole lives knowing who we are, until we don't. Applejack knows herself pretty well...at least she thinks she does. It was not until she stared at Rainbow's eyes during a New Year's Eve party where that confidence quickly dwindled. It wasn't until Rainbow cupped her face and their lips met where everything she knew about herself changed. 

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