ᯓ★[KeXin] Engagement Party

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[Date: 08/22/2023]

Going to a party isn't actually Keran's ideal Saturday but here she is, dragged by Lin Fan, her long-time best friend to one. Although, it wasn't a house party but the engagement party of Lin Fan's boss. Keran doesn't really know much about this boss nor about Lin Fan's coworkers since she doesn't really talk much about them. Maybe except one – Liu Lingzi – who Lin Fan has a huge crush on. Keran wondered why she didn't just ask her to be her date but according to her, she was already asked by someone else. Now she's sitting on a table with a sulking Lin Fan as she stares longingly at Lingzi who's laughing with her date.

"Wahh I wish that was me," Lin Fan sighed before taking a sip of her wine.

"Maybe if you weren't such a coward," Keran rolled her eyes. Lin Fan just pouted in response.

Keran took a gander at the venue and stares in awe at how expensive looking everything is. Circular tables everywhere covered in white table cloths, formally dressed guests chattering away with their glasses of wine and champagne, and multiple butlers serving everyone food. The room is brightly lit by hanging chandeliers, and the walls are decorated with sculpted pillars. It's pretty clear whoever is hosting this party has money.

Despite the grandness of it all, Keran was still bored. Quite frankly, she found the atmosphere a little suffocating, being surrounded by rich strangers being a bit much to her. She felt very out of place.

"Lin Fan, I'm just going to go get some fresh air. Wait for me here, okay?" Keran said as she tapped Lin Fan's shoulder.

"Huh? Okay. Don't be gone for too long though. The announcement is going to start soon." Lin Fan reminded to which Keran just nodded before leaving.

She went to the balcony and leaned on the railing as she lets the cold breeze caress her face and brush her hair. She takes a deep breath before she looks at the sky and watch the stars.

"Not enjoying the party?" a sudden voice came from behind. Keran jerked upwards and faced the mysterious voice.

"Oh, sorry for starling you. I was just curious why you're away from the everyone else," said a woman with short hair. She was about the same height, maybe shorter without the heels, and she was wearing a tight red off-shoulder dress paired with silver dangling earrings. Keran was mesmerized, to say the least.

"Wanted to get some fresh air. No offense but it's suffocating in there." Keran said, trying not to sound rude.

"I get what you mean," the woman said and gave her a gentle smile.

"Care to join me? It's a bit lonely here." Keran beckoned. The other woman showed a brief expression of surprise before smiling and walked towards Keran's side. Despite the woman's elegant looks, her movements on the other hand...were not so elegant. It was awkward but one wouldn't notice if you don't pay close enough attention.

"The name's Liu Yuxin by the way," she introduced herself.

"Lu Keran." Keran replied.

"Nice to meet you, Lu Keran. Are you new? I haven't seen you at all before,"

"I actually came with my best friend. Her boss is getting engaged so she dragged me here even though I don't want to come," Keran snorts in amusement as she remembers Lin Fan on her knees begging her.

"That makes two of us. I didn't really want to come either but I have to, you know??" Yuxin sighed as she fixes her dress, clearly uncomfortable with the garment. Keran tried not to make any assumptions.

An awkward silence passes over them and Keran fiddles with her necklace in discomfort. She looks at Yuxin and finds the girl hugging herself, almost as if trying to hide, or maybe she's just cold? But then she starts pulling down her dress again and Keran wasn't able to stop her thoughts come into existence.

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