ᯓ★[AppleDash] DRIVE!!!

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[sometime in 2019]

"Come back here!" they shouted as they chase down a blonde haired girl along the alleyways.

Applejack ran as fast as she could 'till she could feel her legs starting to give in.

"Shit. Is there any way to escape these guys?" she cursed under her breath.

Almost out of breath, she quickly hid inside the closest thing to her— a garbage can which to her dismay. But it was better than nothing so she threw herself in, covering her nose to avoid the reeking stench of garbage and probably decaying rats. She stayed quiet for a while, listening to the footsteps. Then silence.

Shortly after, she heard the footsteps again as they slowly come closer to her hiding spot. She looked aboved her, trying to peek through the small gaps in the lid but to no avail due to the blinding light from the sun. Then, the light went off and Applejack could feel her heartbeat quicken.

If only she just walked away. If only she just called for help. If only she wasn't too prideful to even think she could take them on.

After what felt like an eternity, it was once again quiet. No movement of any kind was heard. It was a perfect chance for Applejack to escape. She slowly stretched her arms and opened the lid when in front of her was the men that was chasing her.

They grabbed her almost instantly, holding her both in the arms.

"Let me go, asshole!" The tanned girl curses as them as she struggles from their strong grip.

"Careful now, that dirty mouth of yours is what got you here in the first place." the leader said, cupping her cheeks in his rough hands that almost felt like sandpaper rubbing through her skin.

She stares at them as fear consumes her body. As she thinks of a way to escape, her gaze went to the tattoo plastered on the their leader's right hand, signifying his membership. It was a tiger, it's mouth open showing its sharp teeth. As generic as it was, they're never the type of people to mess with.

She never thought. she would ever have this encounter with one of the most feared gang in their city. And celestia knows all the things they could possibly do to her. The only thing that could scare these guys are the Black Pegasi, the most feared group in the city.

"Now, let's see what else this dirty mouth of yours can d— arrghh!" he screamed in pain as he holds his crotch and falls to the floor. Applejack then escaped the grip of the distracted members and made a run for it. She was at a good distance before she could hear the leader shouting for his men to get her. It won't be long 'till they catch her.

Random (Unfinished) Writings and StuffDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora