Chapter 14: Team Sonic vs. Mecha Sonic

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Back at the Temple, Katia reaches the center of the Temple. Panting from her endless running.

"Phew. First time I feel exhausted." She looks up and we see the stairway leading to the Phantom Emerald.

"Awe... Wow!" Just as she awed at the Emerald, the wall she came through is blasted in. Tank stands at the newly formed entrance. Deactivating his shoulder mounted energy blaster.

Dr. Robotnik's Hand Control: You have reached your destination.

"Hello guys." Katia casually waves. "Told you I'd get to it, Eggman." She grinned cheekily.

"We'll it belongs to me, not you."

Commandobot brings out the Master Emerald.

"Tank, the Chaos Emeralds." Shade emotions.

"Oh, yeah. They're in my-uh, in my... They're in my... Uh. They're not in my dreadlocks."

Shade sigh with annoyance, "Tank, you had one job."

"Hold on, if the Chaos Emeralds aren't here, then..."

They here crashes from around them. And Super Sonic comes through the entrance.

"Leave the Emerald, Eggman!" He sternly stated.

"Uh, Sonic. I'm glad to see you in your super form again. Look how easy. I'll turn over a new leaf I swear." But behind Super Sonic, Mecha Sonic pounced thanks to Robotnik's distraction.

He hits Super Sonic so hard, the Chaos Emeralds are knocked out of him reverting him back to his regular form. Like how Knuckles done the same on Angel Island when they first met three years ago.

Mecha Sonic quickly grabbed the Chaos Emeralds.


"The Power is Robotnik's, Sonic." Mecha Sonic grinned, "Why can't you stop interfering with our destiny of becoming supreme overall."

"Because our destiny." Began Sonic with Tails and Knuckles arriving at the scene, "Is to protect our friends and family."

"I think I just threw up in my mouth." Robotnik muttered.

"And if you want that Emerald, Your gonna have to go through us." As Sonic says this, his eyes glow blue, indicating that he is charging Bio-Chaos energy. Dr. Robotnik gulps. Sonic then dashes up the stairway. Mecha Sonic builds up his Bio-Chaos Energy and dashes up to a wall across from Sonic. Sonic takes notice of this and leaps to the wall across from Mecha Sonic. The two of them then leap toward each other and collide in midair, exchanging kicks and punches. With Mecha Sonic overpowering Sonic. Knuckles and Tails build up their Bio-Chaos energy and try to take down Mecha Sonic. Who spin dashes towards Knuckles who stops him by holding him in place in his spin dash form. Similar to how Mecha Sonic did this to Sonic.

But he slashes Knuckles aside and attacks Tails.
Tails could only spin dash, throw a few punches and kicks, and use his pistol. Still, he was no match for his friend's evil cyborg clone.

Quickly thinking to help her three friends, Katia builds up her Bio-Chaos energy and Charges towards Mecha Sonic.

He swipes and scratches like a Domestic cat. Eventually she tries to roll up into a ball and a suprised Mecha Sonic could only stand in shock as the kitten spin dashed towards him.

"Wowie. Did it, I Spin Dashed!" Shrieking with excitement.

"But your still no match for me!" Mecha Sonic grabbed her and flung her towards the stairs.
"Now you die."

Katia takes a couple of steps back as Mecha Sonic approaches. She takes notice of Sonic who is in a dark corner with only his Bio-Chaod standing out.

"Oh, didn't I mention." Katia smiled, "I'm the distraction." At this Mecha Sonic looked at his right and sees Sonic, who slices through the stairway and makes Mecha Sonic fall backwards. Time slows down as Sonic proceeds to run up the temple to right and above his Cyborg Counterpart.

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