DDR Footloose

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Usagi head to a new arcade in South Korea with her classmates and her friends and to try the new game DDR Extreme.

Finally Usagi stepped up on the dance podium, exchanged a dollar, selecting songs and danced like professional.

She was dancing to Disturbia by Rihanna first.

Usagi was following all the arrows but also added her own groove flair with that she scored over 67,000,000 points!

Next she was dancing to Believe by Eddie. J dancing, following the arrows in precessional time that got only better as she danced faster and scored 78,000,000 points.

Goku who was playing a video game, checked out the famous Usagi and her amazing dancing feet and was cheering her on during her Final Stage.

Finally the moment had arrived...

The Final Stage!

The Final Stage song was Too Little Too late by Okokoro

She was dancing in perfect sync and doing a freestyle of dance with the arrows. In the Final heat,

Usagi was dancing so sensitive and sensual  feeling the heartbreak of the song because it brought back memories of Mamoru breaking off their engagement.

With that Usagi scored 196,25,154,999 points and won The Grand Prize of going to California in Hollywood!

The Rising Stars Band celebrated with the Usagi.

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