Bitterness is not Sweet

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Usagi was leaving the stage until someone grabbed her hand.


Usagi gritted her teeth because she knew that voice of her backstabbing ex fiancee.
What do you want, Mamo?" she said crossly

"Please Usako, come back...I know that I hurt you but think about Chibiusa and Crystal Tokyo."

"Well YOU should have thought that before you cheated on me and said those horrible words to me." replied Usagi

"Hey no need to act all hussy, just because you couldn't match my standards before hand. " sneered Mamoru

Unknowingly to him, All of Usagi's male fans and admirers all heard the argument and realized she was telling the truth and each one was furious.

"Why that Egotistical!..." gritted Ail

"Backstabbing!..." Demande gripped his fist

"Rotten Son of a..."growled Ranma

"Cruel heartless..."Inuyasha barked

"Self Asorbing...." seethed Goku

"BASTARD!" All shouted together

Even Haruka and Michiru are hearing the arguing.

"Uh Oh..." said Haruka

"Let's listen in more." said Michiru

The Three Lights heard the Argument and Yaten was trying his to hold a boiling mad Seiya.

"Shhh...Quiet." said Taiki

"Mamoru Chiba, if you're not going to be supportive and going to destroy my new life then go harass someone else and leave me alone!" Yelled Usagi before slamming the door in his face.

"Fine but don't come crying to me later, you Blonde Hollywood Wannabe Bitch!" screamed Mamoru through her door

Ooh that did it!

"Seiya, Seiya control yourself..." said Yaten but this time the raven haired ponytail Idol was Red Hot Furious and charged in Mamoru's direction.

"Taiki! Code Red!" warned Yaten

"He heard everything?" asked Taiki

"Oh boy...this gonna get messy because he's not the only one who's pissed off."

"What do you mean?"

Taiki points at Ail and the others were heading the same way.

"Let's get out of here!" both said to each other.

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