Dancing Frenzy

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Usagi was relaxing on her tour bus bunk parked at a Rest Stop parking a spot when she heard some throwback rock n roll music.

It was We are not Alone by Karla Devito

Barry, Lily, Susan and Anthony was watching her as she was dancing like the 80's kids from the Breakfast Club but with more powerful energy.

Soon enough Inuyasha, Ranma and their friends all watched Usagi dance and decided to join in the fun.

"Wow she can dance too?" said Barry in amazed

"You left out that piece of information too, Ryan." said Lily

"I'm only finding this talent out now." replied Ryan

"WHAAAT?!?!" they all said

"It's True." replied Ryan

"Wow!" said Anthony

Usagi finished the dance and came back to the bus with all her dancing energy all burned out.

She threw off her dancing sneakers as Ryan approached her bunk.

"So where have you been hiding THIS talent?" He smiled

"Only for two weeks." replied Usagi sleeply

Ryan pulled the blankets over his new star and kisses her forehead.

"Good Night." He said while turning off her bunk lamp light.

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