Revelations and Realizations

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As I stood in the kitchen, stirring the pot on the stove, I couldn't shake the feeling of annoyance that gnawed at me. It had been two days since Vegas had barged into my life, and already he was acting like he owned the place.

Suddenly, I felt his presence behind me as he leaned against the counter, his dark eyes fixed on me. "Don't you get bored alone here?" he remarked casually, his tone dripping with arrogance.

I clenched my jaw, trying to keep my temper in check. "I manage just fine on my own," I replied tersely, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing me riled up.

"Why?" Vegas pressed, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "Afraid to venture outside?"

I bristled at his taunt, my patience wearing thin. "You have no right to judge me," I shot back, my voice laced with frustration. "You're just a demon who thinks he owns the world."

Vegas's smirk widened, and I felt a surge of irritation coursing through me. "Always running his mouth,Always, trying to make others feel small," I muttered under my breath, shaking my head in disbelief.

But before I could say anything else, Vegas's tone took on a more suggestive edge. "Well, my mouth can do other things too. Wanna know?" he teased, his gaze lingering on me suggestively.

But before I could say anything else, Vegas's tone took on a more suggestive edge. "Well, my mouth can do other things too. Wanna know?" he teased, his gaze lingering on me suggestively.

I felt my cheeks flush at his blunt remark, and I quickly changed the subject, eager to steer the conversation away from his innuendos. "You haven't eaten anything in the past two days," I pointed out, gesturing towards the untouched food on the table. "Are you hungry? Or do demons not eat?"

Vegas scoffed, his dark gaze meeting mine. "Little witch, I can survive even if I don't eat for 100 years," he replied dismissively, his arrogance shining through.

As I stood in the kitchen, trying to ignore Vegas's taunts, a voice from outside called out to me, using the nickname "Moonbeam" that my fellow witches had given me. My heart skipped a beat, and I froze on the spot, my mind racing with worry.

Vegas noticed the change in my demeanor and arched an eyebrow. "What happened, Little Witch?" he quipped, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Did you steal someone's money and now they're banging on your door? Are you afraid and need some help?"

I gritted my teeth, struggling to keep my frustration in check. "You can't be serious for one moment?" I snapped, shooting him a glare. "And you need to hide somewhere. You can't come in front of anyone, especially not dressed like that."

I gestured towards Vegas's attire, which consisted of a sleek black ensemble that looked like something a demon would wear. His shirt was unbuttoned slightly, revealing a glimpse of his chest, and his dark pants clung to his frame with an air of arrogance.

"Why are you staring at me?" I demanded, trying to mask the unease that churned in my stomach.

Vegas's expression darkened, his eyes flashing with anger. "You can't give orders to a demon, Little Witch," he spat, his voice dripping with venom. "How dare you?"

I swallowed hard, realizing that I had overstepped my bounds. "You can fight with me later," I muttered, my voice tinged with desperation. "But you have to hide now, please."

For a moment, Vegas stared at me in silence, his gaze piercing through me. Then, without a word, he vanished into thin air, leaving me standing alone in the kitchen, my heart pounding in my chest.

As the voices from outside grew louder, I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing thoughts. With a sense of trepidation, I made my way to the door, steeling myself for whatever lay on the other side.

As I opened the door, I was greeted with a stinging slap across the face. The witch before me, known as High Enchantress Selene, glared at me with fury in her eyes. "You stupid witch," she hissed, her voice laced with venom. "I told you that I needed the Moonstone Essence, and you didn't bring it to me. How dare a lowly witch like you ignore my orders?"

I took a deep breath, trying to calm the rising tide of anger within me. "It was dangerous," I replied evenly, my voice tinged with frustration. "The Moonstone Essence has the power to unleash chaotic energy if mishandled. It could have harmed innocent people if I had brought it to you."

But before I could continue, I was met with another slap, the force of it nearly knocking me off my feet. I lowered my head in apology, knowing that arguing with High Enchantress Selene would only worsen the situation.

Selene narrowed her eyes at me, her expression cold and unforgiving. "You failed me once," she said, her voice dripping with disdain. "If you fail me again, forget about our deal."

Fear gripped my heart at her words, and I nodded frantically. "Please, don't break our deal," I pleaded, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'll do whatever you say."

A cruel smirk played at the corners of Selene's lips as she handed me a small vial containing a shimmering liquid. "Great, I like this version of you," she remarked, her tone dripping with malice. "Take this, and by the end of the week, I expect the potion for beauty to be complete."

I hesitated, uncertainty gnawing at me. "But... I'm weak with my magic," I admitted, my voice barely audible.

"I know," Selene replied dismissively, her eyes flashing with impatience. "And I know what I'm doing. Don't ask questions. Just go and find what I need."

With that, she turned on her heel and swept out of sight, leaving me standing alone in the doorway, my heart heavy with dread. I knew that what Selene was asking for would not be easy to find. I had no money to buy supplies, and the journey to acquire the ingredients would be long and treacherous. But if I wanted to uphold my end of the deal and avoid Selene's wrath, I had no choice but to embark on the daunting task ahead.

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