Veiled Intentions

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"Why do we have to walk back to the village? Can't you use your powers?" Pete asked with a pout, his frustration evident after hours of walking.

Vegas sighed, his expression tinged with irritation. "Thanks to some great witch, I've lost my powers," he replied curtly, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "And it still doesn't work like it's supposed to."

Pete shot him a glare, his annoyance palpable. "You never forget to remind me of that, do you?" he muttered, his voice tinged with resentment.

Vegas merely shrugged in response, his indifference infuriating Pete even more.

Pete's footsteps faltered as he realized Vegas had stopped following him. He turned back to see Vegas standing still, arms folded across his chest, a contemplative look in his eyes.

"What happened? Why are you standing there now?" Pete called out, his voice tinged with confusion and concern.

Vegas replied calmly, his voice steady despite the gravity of his words. "How would you feel if you had to face one more dangerous situation right now?"

Pete's eyes widened in alarm at the ominous question. "What do you mean? Is something dangerous about to happen here?" he asked, his voice tinged with panic.

Before Pete could react, he noticed Vegas's eyes turning a fiery red, a sight that sent a shiver down his spine. He took a step back as Vegas advanced towards him, the air crackling with tension. Dread pooled in the pit of Pete's stomach as he braced himself for whatever was about to unfold.

Pete's eyes widened in shock as Vegas leaned in and kissed him, catching him completely off guard. Instinctively, Pete tried to push Vegas away, his hands flailing in a futile attempt to create distance between them.

In his panic, Pete's hand collided with Vegas's chest, causing the flower he had been carrying with such care to slip from his grasp and fall to the ground. The delicate petals scattered on the forest floor, forgotten amidst the chaos of the moment.

As Pete struggled to break free from Vegas the demon's embrace, a whirlwind of emotions flooded his mind. Confusion, anger, and betrayal warred within him, each vying for dominance as he grappled with the unexpected turn of events.

Vegas broke the kiss, his crimson eyes locking onto Pete's shocked gaze. "Now you are fully bound to me. No one can break it other than me," he declared, his voice firm and unwavering.

Pete's panic intensified at Vegas's words, his mind reeling with confusion and disbelief. "Vegas, what is wrong with you? What have you done? Why did you do it?" he demanded, his voice trembling with fear and uncertainty.

But Vegas remained stoic, his expression betraying no hint of remorse or regret.

Pete quickly bent down to pick up the ruined flower, tears threatening to spill from his eyes as he cradled it in his hands. "Vegas, why did you do it?" he asked, his voice trembling with a mix of hurt and betrayal. "I trusted you, but why?"

He looked up at Vegas, his eyes pleading for answers, but all he received was a smirk in response. The sight only fueled Pete's anguish, deepening the sense of betrayal that gnawed at his heart.

"You trusted a demon?" Vegas scoffed, his tone dripping with disdain as he crouched down to Pete's level, his grip firm on Pete's chin. "You made a big mistake."

As tears streamed down Pete's cheeks, he felt a crushing sense of despair wash over him. He couldn't bear to face the reality of his situation—the consequences of his own foolishness and naivety had left him feeling utterly hopeless.

With a heavy heart, Pete realized the magnitude of his mistake. He had allowed himself to be deceived by Vegas, blinded by his own misplaced trust and desire for protection. Now, he was faced with the harsh truth that he had nothing left—no allies, no power, and no hope of escaping Selena's wrath.

As he looked up at Vegas through tear-filled eyes, a sense of resignation settled over him. He knew that he was doomed, trapped in a web of deceit and manipulation from which there seemed to be no escape.

Pete's voice trembled with a mixture of anger and despair as he confronted Vegas. "Was it fun, Vegas? Helping me, and then suddenly ruining everything for me?" he demanded, his tone laced with bitterness. "Does it look like a joke to you?"

Vegas merely smirked in response, his expression unreadable as he stood up and took Pete's wrist, pulling him to his feet. "Why did you think I would help you without getting anything in return?" he replied coolly, his tone devoid of remorse.

Pete's heart sank at Vegas's words, the realization of his own naivety hitting him like a blow to the chest. He had been a fool to trust Vegas, to believe that their alliance was based on anything other than self-interest.

With a heavy sigh, Pete braced himself for the harsh reality of his situation. He knew that he was alone now, with only his own wits and determination to guide him through the treacherous path that lay ahead. As he met Vegas's gaze one last time, a spark of defiance flickered within him.

"I may have been foolish to trust you," Pete admitted, his voice firm despite the turmoil raging within him. "But I refuse to let your betrayal define me. I will find a way to break free from your grasp and reclaim control of my own destiny."

With those words, Pete pulled away from Vegas's grip, his resolve stronger than ever as he faced the uncertain future that lay before him.

"Oh, little witch, stop crying like a baby," he scoffed, his tone tinged with disdain. "Don't think your tears are going to work on me, and I will feel bad."

Pete's heart sank at Vegas's callous words, the realization sinking in that his pleas were falling on deaf ears. With a heavy sigh, he wiped away his tears, steeling himself for the harsh reality of his situation.

As he faced Vegas's indifferent gaze, Pete knew that he was truly alone in this world, with no one to rely on but himself.

Pete's tears continued to flow unabated, his heart heavy with sorrow and frustration. "Leave me alone, Vegas, please," he pleaded, his voice choked with emotion as he attempted to walk away.

But Vegas's grip on his wrist tightened, preventing his escape. With a sudden tug, Pete found himself pulled back towards Vegas, their faces now mere inches apart.

"Little witch, you can't leave me now," Vegas declared, his voice low and commanding. "

Pete's voice trembled with uncertainty as he addressed Vegas, his eyes searching for answers in the depths of the demon's gaze. "What do you actually want from me, Vegas?" he asked, his tone pleading for clarity amidst the confusion that clouded his mind.

But Vegas remained silent, his grip tightening around Pete as if to emphasize his control. Without a word, he pulled Pete closer, the air crackling with tension as their proximity intensified.

And then, in a blink of an eye, Vegas disappeared into thin air, taking Pete with him.

Pete stumbled back as they finally arrived in front of his cottage. "We're back," Vegas stated flatly.

Pete simply stared at Vegas, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within him. Vegas returned his gaze with an emotionless expression as they stood facing each other in the cool night breeze, the weight of their shared journey hanging heavy in the air.

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