Shadows Unveiled

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I couldn't sleep the whole night. Every time I closed my eyes, the events of the previous day played out in my mind like a relentless nightmare. Vegas's betrayal echoed in my thoughts, leaving me feeling hollow and vulnerable.

As the first light of morning crept through the windows, I found myself still wide awake, my nerves on edge. Vegas had disappeared again, leaving me alone in the cottage with a sense of foreboding that weighed heavily on my chest.

I knew Selena could come at any moment, her wrath waiting to be unleashed upon me for failing to deliver the flower she desired. The thought sent a shiver down my spine, and I couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom that hung over me like a dark cloud.

With each passing moment, my anxiety grew, and I found myself pacing the room, my mind racing with thoughts of what punishment awaited me. I felt trapped, powerless to escape the consequences of my own mistakes.

As I heard Selena's voice calling out for me, my heart began to race with anxious anticipation. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves, before mustering the courage to step out of the cottage and face her.

The morning air felt heavy with tension as I emerged into the daylight, my eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of Selena's presence. And then, there she was, standing before me with an air of authority that sent a chill down my spine.

"Ah, there you are, little witch," Selena greeted me with a cold smile, her gaze piercing through me with an intensity that made my stomach churn. "I trust you have what I asked for?"

I swallowed hard, trying to mask my fear with a forced sense of calm. "Not yet, Selena," I admitted, my voice trembling slightly despite my best efforts to appear composed. "But I'm working on it. I promise."

Selena's smile faded into a look of thinly veiled impatience, and I braced myself for the inevitable backlash of her disappointment.

As Selena's piercing gaze bore down on me, her words cutting through the tense air like a knife, I felt a cold sweat break out across my brow. "You are working on it?" she repeated, her voice laced with thinly veiled fury. "Didn't you go to that village? How are you still working on it? Did you bring it or not?"

I opened my mouth to respond, the words catching in my throat as I struggled to find a suitable explanation. "Can you give me some more time?" I managed to stammer out before Selena's rage erupted in full force.

With a deafening scream of anger, Selena's eyes blazed with a golden light, sending shivers of fear coursing through me. I knew in that moment that I was in deep trouble-Selena's wrath was a force to be reckoned with, and I was about to bear the brunt of her fury.

As Selena cast her spell towards me, I shut my eyes, expecting the worst. I closed my eyes, bracing for the inevitable impact. I anticipated the searing pain of transformation, the dread of being rendered into some useless creature at Selena's whim.

But the spell never reached me. Instead, it bounced back and landed at Selena's feet.

She looked shocked and angry, not understanding what went wrong. I felt a mix of relief and confusion, unsure of why the spell didn't hit me.

Selena tried again, but once more, the spell rebounded, frustrating her even further. Her anger flared, and she asked me "Who else is with you?" She marched towards me, her grip tight as she held my chin.

I hesitated, torn between telling the truth and protecting Vegas. But I couldn't risk putting him in danger. " one," I managed to stammer out, my voice trembling with fear and uncertainty.

Deep down, I knew the truth would only lead to more trouble. Selena's suspicions were already growing, and I couldn't bear to see Vegas suffer the consequences of my actions. So, I held my tongue, determined to keep Vegas's presence a secret, no matter the cost.

Selena's fury boiled over as I remained silent, refusing to divulge the truth. "Don't lie to me"she screamed at me, demanding to know who was protecting me, warning of even worse consequences if I continued to defy her.

But I held firm, my resolve unyielding despite her threats. I couldn't betray Vegas, not when his safety hung in the balance. So, I stayed silent, bracing myself for whatever punishment Selena had in store.

Her anger escalated, lashing out at me with venomous words. "You useless witch," she spat, her voice dripping with contempt. "I should have killed you the day you came begging at my feet to save your brother."

Her words cut deep, reopening wounds I had long tried to bury.

Selena's words struck me like a dagger to the heart, sending a wave of desperation crashing over me. "You know your brother is still with me, right?" she taunted, her voice dripping with malice. "He's already pretty much dead. Should I just crush his soul?"

Panic gripped me as I pleaded with her, my voice trembling with fear and anguish. "No, no, please forgive me," I begged, my words coming out in a desperate rush. "I have sinned. Please, do whatever you want. Just leave him be."

But Selena remained unmoved by my pleas, her gaze unwavering as she pressed me for answers. "Then tell me," she demanded, her tone cold and relentless. "Who is protecting you?"

Caught between the threat to my brother's life and the danger facing Vegas, I knew I had to make a choice-one that could have dire consequences no matter which path I chose.

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