A student who steals girls

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He was just... perfect. That's why she did it. That's why the stupid bitch left him for that asshole. But it was her fucking fault. She would regret her decision sooner or later, she would end up being replaced by another cunt and then she would try to crawl back to him but he was never going to take that pathetic girl back. It was her fucking fault.

Who did the asshole think he was anyways, just appearing at his school and before he had moved his ugly face into his life everything had been better whatsoever.

Ciel Phantomhive could barely hold back a curse as he stood in the park, behind the trees and watched the asshole kiss her. He wasn't jealous but he was so freaking close to kicking the bastard's self-conscious grin off his smug face and braking his perfectly straight nose and hit him until he would be so ugly no one would ever talk to him again.

Ciel had been so content with his life, he was handsome, intelligent and rich, working in his father's big company he would inherit some day, everyone had liked him. All the girls wanted to be with him and he had never had to sleep alone. But since the asshole, this bastard Sebastian Michaelis had come to his school, the bitches only wanted to fuck him. They really seemed to knee in front of him, just waiting to be allowed to suck his fucking cock and he, Ciel, had to go home alone. No one to fuck, no one to flirt with... although everyone knew that the asshole changed cunts every week, they still wanted him.

Ciel's latest girlfriend... he had really liked her. She had been funny and sexy and really cute. However she now seemed much less attractive, hands around HIS neck, lips connected with HIS and breasts pressed up against HIS chest.

Ciel drew his gaze from the couple and turned around, kicking a plastic bottle out of his way. He walked away frowning.

It wasn't until he had stretched across his king-sized bed that he relaxed his facial expression. He reached out for the remote and turned on his expensive music player. Listening to Beethoven and Leopold Mozart always helped him to sort things out in his head.

After two hours of just lying there on the bed and staring into thin air, Ciel finally decided that he had to do something. He was now certain that there was something the asshole was hiding, that he had some plan, a particular goal he wanted to reach. It couldn't be all hazard that he stole Ciel's girlfriends, one after another. The one cheating today had been the third one and Ciel was coming to the point when he didn't even want to try to find another girl. So why was the asshole stealing only his girlfriends although he could, Ciel had to admit it, have anyone?!

He was now really keen on solving the problem. The problem called Sebastian Michaelis.


hey guys ^^
this is my first try of a fanfiction so please comment and vote if you like it so far ^^
thanx for reading, you're awesome!! :D

You can see this part as some kind of introduction, the next parts will probably be longer xD

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