A Student who's plan is baulked?

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How did this happen? What went wrong? How could he have failed?
Everything had worked according to plan. After Ciel had gone home he'd prepared for watching Sebastian. Then he had gone to the older student's flat and waited. Half an hour later he had seen the bastard coming home from school.
Ciel had tried to look through a window but there didn't seem to be anything going on inside. Once though, Sebastian had almost seen him but since he hadn't reacted, Ciel thought that the asshole had in fact not seen him. Now he considered this possibility. Maybe he had seen him. But why would he have let Ciel follow him? It just made no sense at all.
So after a while, when Sebastian had come out of his flat and walked away, looking behind him a few times, Ciel had followed him carefully. It hadn't been that hard since there were many other people around, besides he'd been wearing a hoody that covered his eyecatching, blue-gray hair completely. He didn't think that Sebastian could have noticed him on their way here. Or did he?
So Ciel had followed Sebastian a bit out of town where the older student had followed a little path through the woods. That's where Ciel had to be really careful not to be seen. Had Sebastian taken another way through the forest because he'd seen Ciel? Was this actually not where he'd wanted to go according to his plan?
After about twenty minutes Sebastian had reached a little cabin. He'd fetched a key from his pocket and opened the hut. So did he buy the cabin? Or rent it? Sebastian entered the cabin and Ciel carefully came out from his hiding place behind a big tree, going closer to the cabin trying to get a look inside. So going to the cabin actually had to be part of Sebastians plan, why would he have a key otherwise.
That Ciel, however, also was part of the plan he hadn't noticed until Sebastian had in a fast motion leaped back out of the cabin, grabbed Ciel and pulled him in like a snake suddenly catching its prey.
The younger student hadn't had a chance to react when he'd already been tied to a chair in the centre of the dark cabin.
And this was the exact situation Ciel was in right now. He couldn't see a thing let alone find out what the fucking bastard was up to. Sebastian had to be somewhere behind him but no matter how hard he tried to look back and make out anything, there was only darkness.
His wrists started to hurt from the rough rope that was wrapped around them behind the back rest of the chair. He couldn't open the knot, it was too tight. His gray-bluish hair was hanging before his two different eyes which didn't help the fact that he could see nothing at all.
Suddenly a yellowish light emerged from behind him. It seemed too bright at first but after a moment Ciel realized that it was a candle Sebastian had lit. Finally he could take in his surroundings, while Sebastian lit more candles.
The cabin seemed to be empty besides two tables, one behind Ciel, the other one in front of him, that carried the candles. There were, obviously, no windows, it was a bit dusty but not as much as you would have guessed. It was frightening, it seemed like all of this really was still part of the plan but Ciel hadn't yet found out what Sebastian was actually up to.
Said older student now finally positioned himself in front of Ciel. "Hello, Mylady.", he said with a deep, sarcastic voice. "Thank you for making my plan work out. How fortunate, you really seem to be pretty dumb, aren't you?"
"What is all of this about? Stop grinning, you asshole and let me go this instant!", Ciel yelled.
The other only let his grin spread wider and chuckled quietly. "Come on. I know you're not that stupid, Ciel. You just don't want to believe it. But really, just think. You already know what I want. What you want."
"What are you talking about? Are you saying that all of this is still part of your goddamn plan?"
Instead of answering the question, Sebastian reached out for Ciel. He gently stroked back his bluish hair and while his cool hand lingered on Ciel's cheek, their eyes locked for a long second.
When Sebastian pulled his hand away, the place where it had been felt awefully cold and Ciel suddenly realized what all of this was about. It was like remembering a dream except this was real.
Of course he had a huge crush on Sebastian. Maybe the feelings had been there from the very beginning, maybe they had developed over time. But seriously, why else could he have been so obsessed over this guy? Let alone the things he had imagined while letting his thoughts wander... Damn, he had dressed as a girl just to get Sebastian's phone number!
And on the other side: why would Sebastian have stolen his girlfriends if not to catch his attention? And of course he'd known from the very beginning that Cissy and Ciel were one and the same person, he was a good observer. That meant in the centre of Sebastian's plan had been and still was only one person: Ciel. Now there was only one question left to answer.
"Why...?", Ciel whispered.
"Because I love you. Since I first saw a picture of you in the newspaper there was nothing else, no one else I could think of. You overwhelmed me. You made me addicted. I just had to give it a try"
While he was speaking, Sebastian's face came closer and closer to Ciel's.
"I'll never be able to forgive me if I don't take advance of this situation right now.", the older student whispered. Then he softly connected their lips.
Ciel had no time to react and he would definetely not break this kiss just to say something that was understood without words. The kiss was obviously nothing like any kiss he'd ever had the pleasure to feel. It was his first kiss with a boy for one thing, but it was also the first time he kissed someone he actually liked. Not someone he was dating because of boredom or because she was popular. The first time he really felt the pleasure of having what he wanted.
When Sebastian ruffeled through Ciel's hair once again, grabbing a few strands and pulling slightly, the younger student let him dominate his movements. Ciel let out a soft moan as Sebastian deepened the kiss.
It felt so unbelievably meant to be, it was frightening. But just as beautiful. Sebastian was such a beautiful, perfect creature and Ciel knew, that the older one's heart beat only for him. The thought of having someone addicted to himself and of, on the other hand, completely belonging to someone made him smile into the kiss. And still, it described their feelings for each other perfectly.
Ciel just wanted to never let go of Sebastian again. He was perfection. They were perfection.
When Sebastian finally broke the kiss he smiled at Ciel. "Why don't we go to my place, it's weekend after all and we might have to... talk about a few things." The older one winked at Ciel before untying him from the chair.
Ciel had forgotten about his hurting wrists... that was going to leave bruises. But he didn't regret anything. "So, Sebastian... all of this, are our actions still according to you plan?"
"Actually, I didn't dare to hope you would have the same feelings towards me as I have towards you... so no, this is just us, our actions, our decisions. But leading you under any circumstances to this cabin, that was my plan all along."


Yeah! Happy end of the story!

But this is not the last chapter of this fanfiction since I'm going to write one more. That next chapter will, however, be stuffed with yaoi action, so don't say I didn't warn you!

Please comment and vote for my first fanfiction *puppy eyes*


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