A Student who is being spied on

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Ciel woke up grinning. Finally his plan was starting to work out. Nearly unbelievable, that the asshole hadn't recognized him. But he still hadn't, Ciel had his cell number and every effort had been worth it.
But Ciel was aware that he still had to be careful. After all, he couldn't just text the asshole like "hey, whassup and anyway, y u hate ciel and what u hidin?"

After school Ciel thought the time was right to try his skills in getting information out of assholes without then even knowing what was going on.
"hi ^-^" , he typed in.
"hullo cissy", came the answer straight away.
"how are u?"
"very well, how bout you?"
"same here thx ^^"
"that's good, mylady ;)", how the bloody hell did he text? Was that supposed to resemble some kind of English gentleman? As if any girl would fall for such a joke! But on the other hand... many girls were just simply dumb as fuck. No offense.
But still..., Ciel thought. I kind of understand what makes him so interesting. He's very different from other boys... well... and this raven black hair... No! The asshole has no freaking right to steal my girls!
Ciel was not stupid. He had actually noticed the inner conflict in his mind. But he was also stubborn. He wouldn't admit to himself that he wasn't so sure anymore about the bastard being a bastard.

Ciel was very careful when communicating with Sebastian. He had even developed a strategy on how to text like a girl: whenever he typed a message to the asshole he also behaved like a girl. Admittedly, it did earn him a bit more than a few strange or amused looks from other people when he suddenly, sitting on a bench in a park, crossed his legs, put the strands of hair that had been half-covering his eyes behind his ears and smiled seductively at his cell phone... but at least the bastard didn't seem suspicious in the least.
About a week and a half after they had met in the club as Cissy and Sebastian, they had texted each other every day and even phoned once or twice. Ciel decided that now he could finally ask the question he had wanted to know the answer to all along.
"so, your current girlfriend was Ciel's girl before?"
"yes, poor thing... ;)"
"u don't seem to like him, do ya?"
"hate him... he's just way too curious for my taste..."
"too curious? about what?", Ciel's hands shook slightly.
"you know, Cissy... he's rich and pretty famous... he's got connections. he could find out things about me i'd rather not like him to."
"what things? do i have to be concerned?"
"no, that's got nothing to do with you, Cissy... and anyways, i'll have everything work out on friday next week and then this whole chapter will have ended. :)"

That was it. There Ciel finally had it: The asshole was really hiding something and was even presenting a way to catch him wet... a rather malicious grin spread over Ciel's pretty face. Now he had what he'd wanted.


hello guys ^-^
getting somewhat exciting here, isn't it?
there's only gonna be two more chapters of this fanfic, so we're getting near the end :)
i hope you enjoyed reading this chappy ^^


His Plan All AlongDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora