A Student who meets someone

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Sebastian grinned at his reflection in the mirror. He looked quite awesome, as always. Somehow he was in an extraordinarily good mood this evening... he just had a feeling something interesting was going to happen in the club tonight.

On his way to his favorite place, he thought about how his plan might work out. As far as he was informed, everything seemed to be according to plan, no rumours about him, nobody seemed suspicious.

When he entered the club, everything seemed to be normal... but his funny anticipation stayed.

Ciel took a deep breath to calm himself. Then he carefully entered the club and took a look around. He couldn't yet spot him. So he slowly made his way through dozens of dancing, drinking and flirting people, until he found himself right in front of the bar. When the barkeeper, a pretty, cute girl gave him a questioning look, he smiled and shook his head, he had decided not to drink too much, it would be hard to not be seen on his way to the men's restroom and even harder to keep his disguise in form while being drunk. Just when he thought about getting the bar keeper's phone number some day, he spotted the asshole in a fancy-looking corner with several pillows and sofas.

Right there he sat, drinking something that actually looked like wine and chatting with girls. They really looked ready to lick his feet... embarrassing. But Ciel had to somehow stay calm... if he lost his composure, he'd be royally screwed.

Suddenly another difficulty came to his mind: he was here to get the bastard's number. But what, if he wasn't... well... hot enough? The asshole didn't look like he'd give his cell number to everything that happened to cross his way.

Ciel shoved this thought away, he couldn't let such doubts ruin his mission. Rebecca had known for sure what she was doing, the rest was up to him, Ciel.

When he was halfway through the crowd, the bastard spottet him. He looked over and grinned, waving Ciel over towards him. Ciel blushed instantly, now he really had to be careful. He smiled back at Sebastian, trying to act shy.

Rebacca had done really well, as it seemed. The asshole looked really pleased with himself while Ciel hesitantly sat down on the sofa, right next to him.

"Can I offer the beautiful lady something to drink?", he asked. The bastard sounded like a luxurious butler. "Maybe a cocktail?" There he grinned again.

"Well... I don't really... like alcohol", Ciel responded. He tried to sound girly, at least casual but his voice seemed to already have been taken over by the asshole.

"So how about a coke, then?"

"W-why not. Thank you", the 'girl' smiled.

When Sebastian stood up to get his drink (personally, such an honor), Ciel felt the urge to just leave the damn club and go home. But geez... he needed the damn number. So he just stayed where he was and waited, like a murderer waiting for the electrical chair.

And the chair didn't make him wait. The asshole came back, sat down next to Ciel (way too close), gave him his coke and asked "So does the cute lady mind telling me her name?"

"I'm Sisy", Ciel remembered the name he had chosen before. "Aand... what's your name... if I may ask?"

"Sebastian is the name. I'm very pleased to meet you... Sisy", he replied. "Where do you come from?"

With Sebastian leading the conversation skilled from one topic to another, Ciel slowly became more comfortable. He was actually surprised that the bastard could be chatted with that casually. Something about letting Sebastian take the lead and just answering his questions felt strangely relieving.

Very late that night, when Ciel was on his way home, he didn't remember everything they had talked about, but he had Sebastians cell number, and no one had recognized him. And somehow, it hadn't been as horrible as he had thought. He fell asleep fast and dreamt about beautiful things.


Hola guys!
I've been writing most of this chappy during my vacations on fuerteventura :D

it's a longer chapter than usual ^^
hope you like it :)

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