Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I woke up to rain hitting my bedroom window, figures the first day of summer break is celebrated with rain. Quickly getting dressed for the day I popped my head into my dad's man cave. It was located in our mostly finished basement. Dad's man cave occupied the left portion of the basement across from our washer and dryer. It was weird, like being in two places at once. On the left side you had comic posters on the walls with shelves filled with all sorts of figures from games to books. One bookcase along the wall that lined the stairs was filled with dungeons and dragons items. Then on the right side was just a barren landscape of concrete walls and a regular sized washer and dryer. As per the norm my dad was down here working on his next campaign by painting miniatures. I watched him for a bit, as he carefully painted​ a miniature dragon for tonight's weekly Dungeons and Dragons get together.

I waited until I felt it was safe to talk, not wanting to disturb his concentration. "Dad, can I borrow your truck to go to the library?" After another minute he placed the dragon on the table minding its freshly painted wing, then ran his hand through his tar black hair before answering me.

"Yes, just have it home before three I need to get stuff for later." His voice was quite as if he was afraid he would disturb the dragon from its current position.

I thanked him as I carefully closed the door. Heading outside I made a bee line for my dad's truck. My feet slapping on the cobblestone walkway surrounded by my mom's garden on either side as I tried to dodge raindrops. My dad's truck was big and hard to miss due to its bright red coloring as it sat in our short driveway. It was directly parked behind my mothers green jeep that seemed to blend into the nature surrounding us. My mother has a green thumb and it showed in gardens surrounding the house. Our house was a classic two story house you see in small towns with light blue side paneling. If you were to drive by you would think our house had an overgrown yard and was trying to be its own forest. We have had a few neighbors complain in the past about the yard since we lived at the corner of an intersection. However my mothers ability to talk circles around people and her kindness eventually got them to stop. Carefully I made my way out of the driveway. Only a few months ago did I pass my drivers test and had no intention of losing my right to drive anytime soon.

The library was in the heart of the town and was right across from the police station. By the time I made it there it had started to rain hard again. I made a mad dash to the entrance of the library, walking in I shivered a bit from the library's air conditioner. The inside of the library was small but not cramped even though the shelves were packed tightly with books. The manga section which I was now in was small but kept up with all the popular manga trends out there. I spotted the newest edition of the current manga I was reading Fluffies in outer space and as I reached up to get it so did someone else, our hands touched.

I felt a strong electrical shock go through my hand and down to the elbow then back up. I quickly snatched my hand away, the tingling sensation still lingering.

"I've never felt such a strong spark," a feminine voice responded.

"Yeah you're telling me, I mean I've been shocked by static electricity before but never this bad," I shook my hand trying to get it to work again. I looked up to see who the voice belonged to. Since I had just got physically shocked then why not get mentally shocked as well. The one who shocked me both physically and mentally was none other than Terry Ashland. My jaw slackened a bit as I peered into her golden hazel-like eyes. Her slightly tan cheeks reddened a bit, quickly I looked away embarrassed that I was caught staring at her. I tried looking at something else in order not to make this situation any more weird. I settled for looking at a poster for the Pagemaster movie that was pinned to the pillar almost directly behind her. I could feel the tension building between us as we both stood there awkwardly.

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