Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 Shaodonna

"...are in no condition to fight him," I grunted a bit trying to ease Jason onto the ground. I could feel his glare on my back as I opened the backdoor of the truck.

Spinning on my heel, I met his glare with my own. "I'm not apologizing. It was either knock him out or be further up the creek."

"He deserves a chance to explore what is changing with him," George scoffed.

"Because that worked so well last time," My saccharine voice dripped over his nerves. "We don't have time for petty fights, too much at risk." His glare softened a bit only for it turn into a look of agony. I could see him trying to control the pain that wracked his body. The attack slower to leave.

"You should take the medicine, It'll stall the poison for as long as you take it." I pulled a small silvery pouch from my pocket.

"Then what? I take this for the rest of my life becoming nothing more than a half-dead druggy? There is no cure for crawler poison, you and I both know that," George all but growled out.

I shoved the packet back in my pocket. The sun had set quite a while ago and temperatures were dropping slightly.

"Are you going to help me get him in the truck or are you going to stand there and look pretty with that lovely thinning hairline," I playfully glared as I dragged Jason's body into position on the ground. "Well?"

"I can't help you, for you see, I am an injured old man who can now barely lift a spoon to his mouth." I wanted to smack him. Injured yes, old yes, but still strong enough to take on a rampaging bull. I climbed through the other side of the truck, hooking my arms through Jason's and I managed to pull him in.

"You didn't even need my help." He closed the back door on his side, I slammed mine hearing a resounding thud. Note to self: make sure George gets blamed for Jason's headache. I cut him off from the driver's seat.

"Sickly old men who can barely hold a spoon don't get to drive the truck."

Rolling his eyes George dropped the keys in my hand and climbed into the passenger's side. I slid into the driver's seat, the truck roared to life with the GPS flashing back to life.

Merging back onto the highway, I had a slight ache of nostalgia. George's hand caressed the top of my thigh giving me an encouraging squeeze. "Thomas's son runs the place now."

"Does he like milk chocolate?" I asked, smirking as I made a lane change.

"Only one way to find out." Out of the corner of my eye I saw George squeeze up his eyes. The pain radiated from him, for an agonizing minute and a half, as he grunted.

"Maybe the med team at the building has some..." he cut me a hard look.

"No, screw you, I'm asking when we get there." I said returning the look.



"Jason, time to wake up, breakfast is served," mom's voice filtered through my throbbing head.

"Just a few more minutes mom," My mouth had a slight metallic taste. I felt something heavy hit my stomach as smells of bacon wafted around my nose. I opened my eyes only to shut them again, as my head throbbed and a wave of vertigo slammed into me.

"I'm not your mom. Eat up, we still have a ways to go." I could hear paper crinkling from the front as my stomach rumbled eager to have some real food in it. Slowly, I shifted upright trying not to aggravate my throbbing head further. I was minorly successful, I lightly touched my head till I found a slight bump almost at the top.

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