Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

" Shadow you stay with Shir- I mean the truck while Jason and I go in to get supplies. Are you sure you don't want anything else."

"No, just be quick." Her fingers drummed on the wheel impatiently. I slid out of the truck grabbing my mom's bag on the way out. My uncle looked paler than before, his mouth set in a tight line of pain.

" I should go by myself, if not maybe Ann could come with me." I looked at Ann pleading, the last thing we needed was George collapsing in the middle of the grocery store. Ann averted her gaze and George shook his head.

"I'm fine, let's get this over with." He started walking to the store. I grabbed the nearest cart then followed him inside. The inside of the store was cooler than the hot summer heat of the outside and it felt great. I didn't want to be here with him but I had no choice, I would have preferred if they let me come in alone then I could have escaped. I had to buy as much time as I could before George wanted to head back toward the truck.

"Let's divide and conquer, I will grab the bottom half of the list and my strawberries. You can grab the top half and Aunt Ann's chocolate. This way it's quicker and Aunt Ann is less likely to chew us out for taking too long." He looked at the list and nodded his head. Just then his phone went off , he pulled it out of his pocket to read the message.

"That was your Aunt informing me that the truck just changed into a camper. Although it's covenant for us it's not a good sign. It means we have less time than we thought to get you to the building." Holding up his hand to stop the questions I was about to rain down upon him he said.

"It's not safe to talk here, I will tell you in the camper. Here this is what it looks like now."

Quickly he turned his phone to face me. In the picture it looked like a minibus with a white top and a brown bottom. A second picture showed the back of it with some type of cat logo and Arizona plates. At this point I felt nothing surprises me anymore, I nodded my head before walking off with a grocery cart. The produce was located in the back of the small store with most of it shelved along the back wall. To my right were fruit stands packed with your standard variety fruit with a few oddballs here and there. To the left was veggies and going past that led to a bakery inside the store. I made my way to the berry section planning to grab a few cartons of strawberries. Who knew how long it would be until I could get them again. As I was trying to pick out the best packs I found I wasn't the only one there looking at them, next to me was a girl. She was shorter than me by a foot, had red hair, practically crimson with emerald green eyes. She also was completely dressed for winter. Before I could even stop my mouth I said "aren't you hot in those winter clothes it's like a hundred degrees outside literally are you ok?"

Seriously maybe I should crazy glue my mouth shut. The girl turned to me with a scowl across her face "it is none of your damn business to me it's freezing outside you should pay for your rudeness."

I took a step back. I didn't want to cause a scene, my trip in here was to only get some groceries and now this girl had the look to kill me.

" Sorry I didn't mean to offend, I was just worried that's all, My name is Jason what's yours?" I offered my hand as a peace offering hoping to show that I was truly sorry. No such luck she slapped it away. I then felt that familiar shock of electricity shoot up my arm. Crap not here, not another caster she can't be but something told me she was. I turned to go, maybe she didn't notice and I could still make it out. No point in risking your life to buy food just to end up dying after you check out.

" And where do you think you're going, Jason ?" The red haired girl said slowly and menacingly.

"Well miss redhead I'm going to get strawberries and be on my way. It was a pleasure to meet you." with that I booked it to the front of the store.

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