Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The dim light from the ritual circle illuminates the cave. My breath comes out like puffs of smoke as I drag myself to the center of the circle. A charred corpse lays next to his, a loud crack echoes through the cave.

"Jason the barrier wont hold their coming!" a panicked woman's voice shouts. How could this have happened? I did everything a hero was supposed to do and it wasn't enough to save him. I sink to my knees into a pool of blood. Gently I pulled Sam into my arms, his body cooling to match the cave.

"You tried your best......don't let my death be in vain....make...the ....wish....." with that the light left his eyes to fill his broken body. It grew brighter as a loud boom came from behind me. No time left, they were coming, a blood curdling scream confirmed how close they were.


I woke to the smell of pancakes and bacon as I shook off the latest nightmare. At least I think it was a nightmare. I couldn't remember what happened but I still felt a swell of negative emotions from it. Since the awakening as George calls it I have been having a lot of mornings like this. Dreams I can't remember but feel like I should, with only intense emotions left behind. I shook my head and got ready for breakfast.


THUD! I face planted into the ground again for the one millionth time. I slowly got up from the cold hard pack ground rubbing my injured shoulder. It had been two weeks since the Helga incident and my aunt was training me hard. Despite protest from me, both adults decided that I needed to be trained. We started my training the day after the event. We located a park ground with deep woods and camping for a place to lay low for some training. While I was lost in thought my aunt knocked me back down again.

"Get your sorry ass back up and get back into the starting stance." My aunt yelled at me while giving my side a slight kick.

I wobbled as I got back up into my fighting stance. My Aunt Ann or Shaodonna, which was her real name, said that in order for me to use magic I must first learn how to fight normally. My uncle consented to this and left many sessions laughing at my inability to defend myself. Ann warned me that there would be times when I wouldn't be able to use my magic and would have to rely on my natural fighting skills which I lacked badly. Over the past two weeks I was following this strict schedule. Since that was all the time we had left until we had to continue on to this mysterious building. The schedule is as follows:

6am: Have breakfast

6:30am to 9:30 am : complete magical obstacle course that Aunt Ann or Uncle George makes (sometimes this takes longer not to mention their practically deadly)

9:30am to 10am: break time plus small snack

10am: Combat Training with Ann till I drop

1pm: only break for lunch

4pm: I can't move by this point so George gives me a magic history lesson

5pm: Learn how to use magic kind of (it was more like trying to focus my energy so I don't explode)

6pm: Dinner

7pm: Combat Training for one more stupid hour

8pm: Finally some damn sleep

I continued my spar with my aunt who was not pulling any punches while I did everything I could to stay on my feet. I didn't succeed.

" You need to roll with the hits, stop tensing and bracing yourself. It's why you get hit so much. Remember timing is everything and when you're in a fight with your life on the line you can't think your next move out you need to know it. We have been at this for two weeks now." she said exasperated with my lack of progress.

My aunt helped me back on my feet just as the small alarm from her watch went off letting us know that it was time for bed.

"I think it's time to up your magic training a little. We are short on time and your uncle has not shown you why that deck of cards you have is so important." she said as she sent a right hook my way. I had completely forgotten about the deck of cards. I mean I can use some magic without the cards already. After a few more minutes the spar stopped. Then we walked back into the camper. My uncle was already sitting at the kitchenette table with the deck box sitting in the middle of the brown table.

"It's time I explain the tools of casters." He said waving to the seat across from him. My aunt moved to the stove grabbing some tea leaves in the process. Slowly I eased myself into the seat mining my newly gained injuries from today's training.

"Basically each caster uses tools to help control their magic and to find out what type of magic they are proficient in. They pick their tools based on instinct since most know right away what tool will work best with them. You naturally picked cards, this means you most likely use divination and summoning magic. That said spellcastors are not limited in what magic they choose to practice. However most follow the path that their magic is proficient in." I waved my hands to get him to stop.

"So basically you can do any magic but the tool you choose instinctually shows what magic you are best at?" Tiredness dripped from my voice as I tried to stay awake during his explanation.

"In simpler terms you are correct."

"Then why did Evil Terry need to test me in the field" I said with a slight shudder. That was a horrible thing that I would never forget.

"Ah yes, the test you took. This test helps to decide if a caster is even able to participate in the trial. Even if someone comes from one of the main families there is no guarantee that they have enough power to survive. It was decided that in order to avoid unnecessary bloodshed a preliminary test would be held. The test is supposed to go as follows: first elemental affinity is checked as well as energy levels. Once those are rated, they are then given a choice. Either join the game or have their power sealed. Now-" I held up my hand to stop him. This was a lot of information to take in when one was tired after a day of getting their butt kicked. I let out a low groan as my aunt placed a cup of tea in front of me.

"I am tired is there a way to shorten the explanation." The hot cup of tea felt nice in my cold hands. For some reason since being brought back from the dead I've been feeling a bit cold. No matter how hot it's gotten over the past two weeks I still managed to feel cold. It took a bit to get used to. I haven't told them yet but I think they know anyway. I mean I did tell them about most of what happened in the field. I just skipped the part where I died, then made a promise with a voice in my head. I actually didn't tell them about the voice at all just in case it was a delusion caused by the situation.

Suddenly there was a loud crash as glass hit the floor followed by a thud. My uncle laid there, body violently shaking as my aunt tried to keep him out of the broken glass. The seizures were increasing in frequency and at this point the pain never seemed to stop.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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