Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

When I hit Pennsylvania it was time to pull over and stop. The rest stop that I pulled into was one of those small ones where you can refresh yourself and walk around to stretch your legs. I threw the truck into park, before I could even turn the truck off, it turned itself off. I tried to turn the key hoping that I could start again, then turn around and go home. I don't know what I was thinking. How could I just drive off like that? I must have been in shock. I kept turning the key, but the truck refused to start.

"Jason, there's no point in trying to go back now," I heard Aunt Ann say as I pulled the key back out, I gave up. I could feel all of my negative emotions well up to the surface.

"Are you sure about that? " I mumbled under my breath. Aunt Ann stayed silent so I wasn't sure if she heard me or not. I sat there in my dad's truck still not wanting to admit my parents were dead. How could that be? My head swam with the memories of the past few hours. I got sick, so I opened the door to make a dash for the port-a-potty that gave the impression of a makeshift bathroom just barely making it in time. I emptied whatever was left in my stomach into the plastic toilet. By this point my tears had all but dried up which I didn't think was possible. I continued to dry heave and gag, part from smell and part from what just happened until my body finally stopped. It was at that point, I realized how tired I was and that maybe some sleep would help. After cleaning myself up using purell and whatever else I could find, I headed back to the truck.

"Aunt Ann?" I called.

"We're back here." She responded from behind the cab.

"Is Uncle George going to be okay?" I saw the two of them holding each other as if they were a lifeline.

"I'm not sure Jason." She said gently. "He's alive for now."

"That's all that matters," I yawned as I dragged my hand across my face.

"Get some sleep, we still have quite a bit of driving to do."

"Still haven't told me where we're going." I hopped into the front seat and pulled down the lever that made the driver's seat go back. Exhaustion taking over I mumbled "Make sure to give me all the details later."


I woke up in a cold sweat looking around feeling slightly disoriented before looking in the mirror to see Uncle George asleep in the back seat. His black muffler once again rested around his neck. For the second time, I had the urge to throw up and I was just about to run out when I felt something hard collide with my head. Pain shot through my skull, as the item that hit my head fell into my hands. It was a piece of crystal quartz. I had enough crazy weirdness for today and for the rest of my life. I threw it to the other side of the truck's front seat. However instead of hearing the thud that would accompany an object hitting a car door. There was a small pop sound like bubbles being popped. I turned to see the crystal floating, casting an eerie light over the inside of the truck.

"Oh you have to be kidding me". In a flash of blinding light I was no longer sitting but standing in a room with lilac walls.

"Yes, you can honey" I heard my mom's voice behind me. I turned around quickly to see that it wasn't her but some type of ghost like a hologram. I sank to my knees, tears that I thought stopped fell once more.

"Mom, where are you, you're not dead right? I'm just dreaming. Mom, tell me I'm dreaming." No response.

She was looking above my head into empty space. "Honey if you're seeing this chances are we are dead, your father and I."

"No, it's not true!" I screamed trying to make sense of what was in front of me.

"I'm sorry we couldn't tell you sooner we were going to surprise you actually. You know that out of town trip that you thought you were going to be left behind on? We were instead all going to the orientation building. Alas plans do not always go as expected." I watched as a sad smile crossed my mom's pale face.

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