Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I sped out of the gravel parking lot, hoping a cop wouldn't pull me over as I tried to make it back home. In the distance I heard the fire engines, the sirens were getting even louder. All I could think was please not my house, please let my family be okay. I gunned it going well over safe driving laws; I saw the smoke before I saw the fire.

"No, please don't be my house." I pulled up to the police line parking the truck. I jumped out, not caring if I locked the truck behind me this time. Running toward my burning home ducking under police tape, hoping my parents were safe, I was stopped by one of the officers.

"Don't Jason. It's too late, they're gone." I recognized the officer by his voice, it was my uncle George.

"What do you mean gone? They can't be.." I felt tears sting my eyes. I wanted this to be a horrible dream not reality. I pinched myself already knowing before I felt the familiar pain that this wasn't a dream. I should have stayed home, I should've been more persistent about asking why they were acting so weird. George hugged me tight while I cried. This wasn't fair. I didn't want this. I wanted back my old life before all this happened today. I wished that when Terry called me out it really was a prank at least then my parents would have still been alive.

"I can't say everything is going to be fine because it's not going to be, times ahead are going to get even tougher, however Jason you need to be brave. You don't give in to your dark emotions, don't ever give up hope. Now look at me." slowly my eyes met his. I looked deep into them, I saw his sadness, his understanding, and his worry.

"You need to listen to what I have to say next, you have to run. Woodbury is no longer safe for you nor is Connecticut you need to go west." I looked at George stunned. I just found out I lost everything and I was supposed to run away. I may not be the best guy around but I was not going to leave without making sure things were settled.

"I can't George, my parents need to be buried and I... I.." I couldn't continue. I choked up and started to sob again. George squeezed my shoulder in comfort.

" Don't worry about that I got it-" George stopped talking. He pushed me backwards as black spikes sped past where my head was. I heard a yowl of irritation as a creature emerged from the shadow of a nearby fire truck. It looked like someone couldn't decide what type of pet they wanted so they mashed their favorites together to create what was standing before us. Its fur was black and oily, its head resembled a German shepherd's with mouse ears. Its lips were none existent leaving only a mouth full of exposed fangs dripping with spit that turned into liquid fire. Black bony spines traced its back all the way down to its cat like tail. Its claws dug into the pavement leaving deep grooves where it continuously pawed the ground in agitation. Its amber eyes flicked back and forth between George and myself. Out of the corner of my eye I could have sworn that I saw George's black scarf shift.

He turned away from the creature and put his hands on my shoulders. "Jason, go. Your Aunt and I will buy you time."

He pushed me hard enough that I backed up a few feet as he turned back to face the thing. "Shaodonna, we have a crawler to deal with." George's scarf floated off him and took a more familiar human shape that I remembered​ well.

"Oh goodie." My Aunt Ann stood next to her husband ready for battle.

The thing they called a crawler let out an angry hiss, then lunged toward George. He sidestepped letting the creature hit empty space. I heard the familiar click of the safety being taken off his gun. The crawler's tail lashed out once again missing my uncle. Putting as much distance as he could between himself and the creature he emptied his clip. Yowling in pain the crawler sent more of its spines flying toward him.
"You interrupted my nap." My Aunt growled. With a flick of her wrists two short swords appeared in her hands. Darting toward the creature she lunged one of her blades into the creature's lower flank. Its head whipped around and snapped at my aunt but she gracefully dodged out of the way. At the same time I heard the spikes hit metal, turning my head I tried to prepare for another horrible scene to be displayed before me. I sighed with relief as I saw the spikes that would have hit my uncle instead be stopped in midair by an invisible wall. He grunted in effort as he held his hands up as if he was a mime while getting out of the spikes way. My Aunt continued to dance around the creature landing blow after blow but nothing vital.

A roar that sounded like thunder shook the ground as it escaped from the crawler's mouth.

The roar took Ann by surprise, seeing an opening it swung its tail backwards blunt side knocking her into the nearest fire truck. I ran to her side, as I heard my uncle's gun release another round into the creature. Ann blinked her eyes repeatedly as if trying to wake up, a trickle of silver liquid dripped behind her ear. I checked her pulse, it was there but barely, she mumbled something under her breath but I couldn't make out what she was saying. I looked back over my shoulder to see how George was doing.

He had discarded his gun for one of her swords, sweat poured down his face and his breathing was labored. The crawler stared him down trying to find an opening, it was limping and its movements were slowing. The effect of Ann's attacks finally bearing fruit, growling again it feigned a lunge toward George only at the last second pivot to the side and toss spikes toward our general direction. Its aim was off but it was still enough to get done what it intended to. As the spikes came hurtling toward Ann and I, George flicked his hands in our direction. The spikes stopped in mid air allowing me to drag Ann out of the way, the crawler let out a howl of triumph. Once again, it lashed out at George with its tail spikes half formed, taking the sword in his hand he tried to block the attack. It wasn't enough as a spike hit his shoulder, he grunted in pain and managed to parry the tail away. In pairing the tail, he lost his balance; the crawler took the opening, making George leap to the side. The crawler continuously attacked him, forcing George to take a more defensive stance. Ann regained consciousness and took in her surroundings she noticed George was barely holding his own against the creature. I offered her a hand to stand up, but she slapped it away.

"What the hell are you still doing here? George told you to leave, you're only getting in our way." Ann rose steadily to her feet and started to head toward the fight playing out in front of us. She flicked her hands again, only this time instead of swords two yo-yos appeared. She flung one around the creature's neck and pulled hard. She strained as she tried to pull the creature toward her. The crawler clawed at the thin string around its neck, lashing and bucking trying to throw her off her feet. George tucked and rolled, going under the creature. Using the momentum, he sprung up and gutted the creature​. Ann released her hold, letting it collapse on the ground, I rushed over to help her pull George out from underneath. I pulled him out while she lifted up the creature as much as she could, together we managed to get him out. One of us each on a side carried/dragged him over to the safety of my dad's truck.

"You both need a hospital, then once everyone's all patched up maybe one of you can explain to me what the hell is happening." Helping Ann secure George into the backseat of the truck, I kept looking back at the thing that attacked us worried that it would come back from the dead. Blood was still seeping out of his shoulder wound and his breathing was still labored. As for Ann she didn't look much better, silver liquid now stained her leather jacket and her jeans from a dozen cuts. Looks like whatever she dished out to the crawler she ended up getting back.

"No hospitals, they could be under surveillance by whoever attacked you and your family today. Before you voice your concerns about George's and my injuries, know that we will be ok. I know some healing magic that will be enough. For right now we need to leave the area."

She slid in next to her husband on the opposite side laying her head on his uninjured shoulder and interwinding their fingers together. I got in the truck, tilting one of the mirrors to face my only family I had left. My dad's GPS brought itself to life directing me away from the only home I ever knew.  

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