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it had been a week, and juliane had woken up feeling better that day. but till now, she and her brother's phones were taken and aldo company's owner's son sangmin was making a move on her already. but she had written a letter to mark with the help of her maid to hopefully let it reach using the highest cost shpping.


nct 127 had just finished their last concert as a whole and they were at their hotel, cooling off when mark got a message from their housekeeper back in seoul telling him that a letter arrived for him from juliane . mark told the keeper to open it. mark had been worried, trying to contact either juliane or sangheon, even nadine to get updates about juliane. but everyone had said they had not heard from the siblings eversince they went to paris.

dearest, my minhyung.

father and mother had taken both me and sangheon's phones and i had no choice but to send in a letter like this. i am sure you must have been worried and wouldve tired yourself so much. i also heard from some people around our hotel that today you finished your 127 tour at tokyo, i hope you and all the members are safe and well. mark, i have so many things to tell you when i am back in seoul, but until i get my phone back and can contact you, please hang in there. and please promise me to not believe any word said by the media, or whoever it is unless confirmed by me. we still have a week left here and i know your comeback's right around the corner, as much as i want to be there for you i do not know what's wrong with my parents. but i hope i will get to be with you soon. please be well, i love you minhyung.


mark read the letter through the screen almost tearing up. remembering the night before jules was leaving for paris, he just left her like that. he couldn't help but feel guilty, and he deeply wanted to know why everything is going wrong between them eversince they stopped long distance. he was shaken awake from his thoughts by what donghyuck said.

"mark hyung, i know this isn't probably the best time but look at this." donghyuck said, turning his eyes to donghyuck's phone screen, what was written truly..shocked him.

pandora juliane lee is rumoured to be engaged to aldo company's youngest son, moon sangmin who will ascend the company.

mark was left shocked, not knowing what to do. "what's wrong?", jaehyun said as he took a peak over donghyuck's phone..all the members became concerned but then had the same notification.

"it's probably false, you know juliane wouldn't do that to you right?", jaehyun said trying to assure the younger boy. juliane's words, 'please promise me to not believe any word said by the media, or whoever it is unless confirmed by me' rang inside mark's head.

he was exhausted from the concert, with the comeback with dreamies and everything going on with juliane. he was exhausted, that was his last straw. he started tearing up. the boys quickly came to his side and tried making him feel better.

"so you meant her phone was taken by her parents?", yuta asked and mark nodded, "this is getting suspicious.", said doyoung.

"i just don't know what to do..what if i lose her? i wouldnt be able to bear..", mark said tears slowly falling down again. "you wouldn't, dont worry we'll find a way to fix this.", haechan said rubbing his back.

taeyong was feeling exhausted, really exhausted as his enlistment was coming this year and all with concerts and the feeling of leaving his members and fans behind and seeing mark crying really broke him. he wanted to fix everything, he wanted mark to feel okay. it's been days since he last smiled genuinely except for fans.

things were noth going well with juliane either, sangmin was constantly trying to impress her and she knows she's doing that because he truly likes her. not only because of the company merging thingy. but juliane is a one man woman, she only wants mark. it has been like that for years. their engagement was not yet announced but the media was going crazy over about it from rumours and nctzens took it the hardest saying juliane was nothing but a whore.

juliane never wanted for these things to happen, her brother has been so worried about her. always staying by her side, knowing that she can relapse at any possible moment. it had been 3 weeks since they wwre staying in paris and yet juliane kept on getting sick. sangheon had threatened their parents' about juliane's situation because if they kept on going like that, juliane's heart disease will rupture.

juliane on the other hand had gotten a project invitation from sm entertainment, mark's company to act in one of their artists' music video. juliane had a great talent for modelling and acting at the same time, but had never starred in any of sm artists' music video. she did not know what to do with the situation, with all the ongoing engagement which she had not even told mark yet.

"me and your father decided with aldo company that we'll give you time to process this marriage and not rush you into it considering your health. we are not rushing you into this marriage but you should know that marrying sangmin will be you saving our company from the future ruckus.", juliane's mother said when she called her kids over the lounge area. 

sangheon was happy for his sister, but he knows that she will never escape from their controlling parents. he wished he could do something for his little sister who meant the whole world to him yet he's tied down like this. sangheon being the future heir, he doesn't need any support so they did not even consider arranging a marriage for him. but for juliane, being the next in line for the heir, with her health conditions she wouldn't even be able to manage the company and had no overall experience.

considering from their parents' perspective, it is understandable. mark is an idol, who is touring from state to state, city to city, country to country. his reputation can go way down with a single rumour and they thought that he does not have a stable life at all. they just want their youngest, their only princess to live with no worries and have a peaceful life. but with mark's current life, that wouldn't be possible.

but they also know that their daughter loves mark deeply, as if he's the oxygen she needs for breathing. they know their daughter was willing to risk her life for mark lee. willing to risk living a life where she might even suffer all the time. it is not that they do not like mark, they truly love mark. considering that they grew up together and are willing to spend the rest of their lives together, they are happy inside that juliane has someone like that besides her mother.

but, as said mark's career revolves around his life. with juliane's disease, they are afraid that she'll leave them sooner than the time said by the doctors. she had always been strong, considering that she had a heart defect. she was given a peice of her mom's heart in order to live. it was a tough battle fought by her and her parents, and her brother too. it was a neverending suffering for them.

getting to know that their youngest was diagnosed with another heart disease again after mark left to achieve his dreams of becoming an idol was too hard to accept. she was almost living a normal life where she could run happily and live without any other problems. but yet it happened again and it was way too serious that time and eversince that juliane has not yet fully recovered. mark never knew about it and juliane never wanted to tell him that it had gotten serious again.

they were given back their phones and juliane left tons of messages for mark to read but they were not getting delivered..and she tried calling him too but he was unreachable..


how do you feel lol? dw i will try my best to make it a happy ending hihih.

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