f i f t e e n

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just then nadine arrived, rushing inside as they had just finished their finals crying. "julie..yubin-ah", she cried softly the moment she entered the room and the others had given her space.

"how can this happen, i am sorry julie." she cried holding juliane's hands. "i am sorry for not being there", she cried heavily. due to their finals, nadine had not been online at all and all their other friends will be finishing their exam within a week only which means that they wouldn't be able to visit her anytime soon before they leave to canada.

the others had gone home and nadine had stayed with mark, sangheon and jinhyung not wanting to go home. "she wouldn't want you to be like this nadine come on go rest up, she's doing okay.", sangheon tried his best but the girl wouldn't budge.

"i cannot just go while she's laying here when we don't even know if she'll wake up or not.."


it had been three whole months. two whole months since they had transferred juliane back to canada and till now there has been no signs of her waking up. mark and sangheon stuck by her side taking care of her 24/7 while her parents dealt with their business.

her doctor had said there was no bad or good news yet but she doesn't seem to wake up yet. and it also had been three whole months since mark went on a hiatus, knowing that he'll have to get back to work soon within two months horrifies him. he's worried that juliane would wake up without him by her side, or even the worst possible scenarios.

mark would spend everyday talking to her, trying to reach her but juliane would never respond. although there were small movements of fingers, she was never really conscious. just like the other days, mark keeps on talking to her sitting by her bed, wiping her face with a damp cloth.

"baby, today marks exactly 93 days since you slept. the past few days have been so hard without you it feels like i can't breathe..." mark stopped and sighed heavily.

"i had a dream last night...we had a beautiful daughter. crazy right? she had your nose and she had my eyes. she had smile lines just like me and she was so kind too just like you." mark couldn't control his tears once again and stopped midway.

"if we ever have a child, she or he would take after you and me..excel in her studies like you always do, and become a dancer, singer and an allrounder. like the both of us", he chuckled while choking on his tears. "i wonder if you'll ever wake up...", he said softly after putting down the cloth.

mark didn't have a hard time adjusting to canada but he had never gone outside during the past 3 whole months. he had stayed in with juliane and never once went outside, even with his canadian friends. his parents and even juliane's parents are worried about him because he looks like he is losing his soul.

mark had fallen asleep near the bed beside juliane and sangheon had just bought lunch for mark. seeing the dark circles under his eyes, he sighed. juliane's condition is slowly killing mark too, and sangheon wants his sister to wake up quickly so that mark gets better.

"will she ever wake up?", sangheon asked the doctor, eyes full of hope yet the doctor heaved a deep sigh and answered truthfully. "we are still monitoring her daniel, i can't guarantee anything but these days her body is responding to the meds better than before and there might be a bigger hope.", his answer did relieved sangheon.

soon, a month passed and mark, was slowly losing himself and he was told to have a come back by releasing station and will have to get back to work as soon as possible, the thought horrified mark because he knew, he'll have to leave juliane in canada and go back to korea because the hiatus was taking too long.

"if we ever have a child, she or he would be an ace right?like the both of us", he chuckled while choking on his tears. "i wonder if you'll ever wake up...", he said softly after putting down the cloth.

mark didn't have a hard time adjusting to canada but he had never gone outside during the past 3 whole months. he had stayed in with juliane and never once went outside, even with his canadian friends. his parents and even juliane's parents are worried about him because he looks like he is losing his soul.

mark had fallen asleep near the bed beside juliane and sangheon had just bought lunch for mark. seeing the dark circles under his eyes, he sighed. juliane's condition is slowly killing mark too, and sangheon wants his sister to wake up quickly so that mark gets better.

"will she ever wake up?", sangheon asked the doctor, eyes full of hope yet the doctor heaved a deep sigh and answered truthfully. "we are still monitoring her daniel, i can't guarantee anything but these days her body is responding to the meds better than before and there might be a bigger hope.", his answer did relieved sangheon.

soon, a month passed and mark, was slowly losing himself and he was told to have a come back by releasing station and will have to get back to work as soon as possible, the thought horrified mark because he knew, he'll have to leave juliane in canada and go back to korea because the hiatus was taking too long.

mark, sitting beside juliane's bed at a comfortable chair he was talking to her again but she was not responding. "do you remember the time i came home and you were sick? that was probably around a few years ago right?", he chuckled weakly at himself holding her hands.

"you had said that the rumored life line on your palm was too short...and it's indeed really short but it's all up to God. i am afraid julie, you won't leave me right?", mark said holding her hands tighter.

mark had a quick flashback about how juliane once mentioned that she read somewhere that an angel comes to pick a weak body once it's their time to leave. and she had asked him if he was the angel...


sangheon had insisted for mark to go out at least once with his pals and have some fun, mark didn't want to but sangheon told him that he was slowly losing himself so he obeyed the elder's words.

his friends in canada did changed and one girl from their friend group had constantly been hitting on mark while they're hanging out at a cafe but mark got an unexpected call from sangheon.

"she's awake, minhyung. juliane is awake.", and that was enough for mark to sprint out of the cafe and catch a cab and quickly went to the private hospital juliane was in.

mark rushed in, not caring about the eyes people had on him. he ran and ran until he reached juliane's room and quickly opened. a bunch of nurses and her doctor were surrounding her and her brother was standing there looking quite worried and turned to mark who was struggling to breathe because he had to run.

"minhyung-ah she's not responding...she is awake but she's not responding." sangheon said as the younger one slowly looked down but that didn't stop him from walking to her bed with tears in his face. the older brother and juliane already had their moment but juliane wasn't responding to anyone, just a pool of tears in her eyes.

"baby, julie..God Jules..", he softly mumbled and left a quick kiss on her forehead. somehow she too had tears in her eyes, she opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. she was crying and mark knew at that moment and quickly pulled her into a hug.


how are we feeling guys? jules is finally awake oh God🥺😭thank you so much for reading and for giving your time on this not so masterpiece.

not proofread.

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