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"hyung will she be okay?", said mark sobbing. "hopefully she'll be fine. God has answered our prayers continuously the past few years. I just hope she is holding in there.." sangheon said, he didn't want to show the worry inside him. he held it in, he had to be a pillar for the younger ones.

"what happened to her?", sangmin had asked jaehyun and jaehyun felt that sangmin deserves to know about it as well as she's his fiance although their marriage has been delayed. before knowing the whole situation, sangmin was too, mad at mark. but after all he's the man juliane loves and he just couldn't disrespect him.

the doctor walked out calling her relatives and sangheon had responded and was called in a secluded area. "sangheon-ssi.." the doctor took a deep breath and sangheon knew at that moment that it wasn't good news.

"your sister, juliane.. she is dying sangheon.", that felt like a bomb had been dropped on him. his eyes finally gave up and his tears were constantly rolling down.

"we can't assure a 100% survival chance but there's currently a person who'd be able to donate her heart. it is a huge risk that we would be taking if we go on with this. there's a 50-50 survival chance-", the doctor was cut off with sangheon. "please do anything to save her. even if it costs a lifetime debt, i will do anything for my sister to survive.", sangheon said.

he was practically begging the doctor. sangheon in his life never begged a person but when it comes to his sister, he couldn't help it.

"our parents will be arriving tomorrow and she'll be preparing for the operation within a week", sangheon said, coming out of the doctor's office. "sangheon hyung will she be really okay?", asked mark. his eyes were bloodshot red. "i really don't know minhyung-ah i am afraid. i am so afraid.", sangheon said finally breaking down in front of the nct members.

"sangheon, don't be like that.", taeyong said, rubbing his back. mark had to be strong, he and sangheon both had to be strong. and God knows what will happen when their parents arrive. "shall we all take a moment to pray and thank God for making her condition a little bit more bearable?", doyoung said to change the topic and he really wanted to pray for juliane which everyone agreed to despite the difference in their religion.

"Dear Father, we are gathered here to say thank you for all the blessings and protection you have bestowed upon us. we have received so many blessings to be thankful for yet we are here to ask you for your protection upon juliane. she'd be facing a major surgery for her heart this week. all the things which are bound to happen are all under your guidance. but we believe that juliane can be cured and we pray that the surgery will go well under your light and that she will recover quickly. all this we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."

the prayer was guided by doyoung and it had raised a hope inside the young gentlemen's hearts. soon jaemin spoke up, "you'll have a lot of explaining to do once she wakes up you know right.", he said forcing a chuckle, which was not seeming okay at all.

"jules had always been so understanding and i took everything for granted and now i can't even speak to her..", mark said, sighing. "she'll be okay..may i speak to you mark?", sangmin said out of the blue. all the members of nct present there must have been so curious that they all raised their eyebrows.

once they were in a secluded area, sangmin started to speak. "you know mark, juliane is pretty much very in love with you and i was always unsure whether to leave her at your hands or not. i know you have been courting her for awhile that automatically means you've been together for awhile. but i really tried hard to pursue her, she is my first love. but her thoughts and focus were always about you mark lee. so i am concluding and losing this war. i will tell my parents to break the engagement off. i just want juliane to be happy and only God knows how long it'll take her to wake up..", sangmin said accepting his defeat.

 mark was taken aback at first but he soon responded, "i am thankful to you sangmin, for taking care of her when i couldn't do it. i am sure she'd even accept you as a friend, and i have never once thought of giving up on her..", mark said but sangmin soon got a call from sangheon that juliane's hospital would have to be changed to their aunt's hospital for her privacy and better treatment.

but soon the news of nct 127's members' presence at the hospital got out through one of the nurses and fans mobbing outside the hospital and none of the members could get out nor even sangheon.

"this is getting out of hand i don't know what to do", taeyong said worried as he got a call from their company's staff, "we wouldn't be able to leave for sometime and if juliane doesn't get the treatment on time, i am worried." johnny said truthfully, not wanting to worry others but he was extremely worried himself.

"aunt has called and said that they have already prepared a room for jules but how do we transport her from here? your fans are swarming the hospital!", sangheon said, getting worried and their parents kept on calling him.

"we can exit from the back door but only one nurse and the driver can go while the rest will transport through the normal exit. we must only worry about juliane's condition right now.", the doctor at the hospital said, which everyone agreed to.

juliane was successfully inside the ambulance but what they were not expecting was a van following them and next it was a bunch of cars following them. soon they heard a loud crash.

sangheon and mark were inside the same car and followed a different route to reach the hospital faster than the ambulance carrying juliane, but what they were not expecting was a call from jaehyun saying , "the ambulance crashed-", "what?!!!", mark shouted catching the attention of sangheon who was driving. he looked at mark in horror.

"they still haven't taken out juliane yet she's still inside mark please get here fast", jaehyun was finally letting his emotions show once again. this was all too much to take in for everyone. they quickly drove back and saw the commotion.

sangheon ran out of his car even before parking it and saw a bunch of people surrounding his sister's lifeless body. "fuck it everyone get out of the way!", sangheon said shouting knowing the media will post a bunch of things about him but it was his sister's life.

"move!", sangheon shouted once again and ran to his sister who was currently taken out. he ran to her despite the police telling him not to. "juliane, juliane lee please wake up", he said tapping her cheeks and she was..drenched in blood.

soon the medics took her from her brother to drive to their aunt's hospital and sangheon kneeled still, while mark couldn't even go into the crowd, held back by the members because they knew the consequences yet he ran to sangheon. "hyung, is she okay? will she be okay?", mark asked, shaking sangheon who was still kneeling on the ground.

the crowd gasped and cameras started flickering everywhere which made sangheon burst, "do you all really have no heart at all?", he shouted, tears streaming down. "my sister, my beloved sister is in danger because of you all! what has she ever done to you guys?", sangheon said crying, his hands drenched in juliane's blood.

jaehyun quickly appeared with johnny pulling the two out and get them inside the van, jaemin was too shocked and stunned to even utter a word. the ambulance crashed right in front of his eyes and he had no time to process it. "she'll be okay, she is always okay under God's guidance." doyoung said rubbing jaemin's back while taeyong was trying his best to comfort mark while jaehyun just kept on looking at sangheon. 


IS IT TOO MUCH DRAMA? idk guys 😭😭and i just realized i never mentioned the timezone differences when juliane was in canada and mark in korea. atleast there are not much scenes from that time but yeaa the upcoming chapters are kind of not giving-?????? but thank you for reading!

not proofread

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