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The ringing on my telephone didn't cease but I ignored it.

I have already packed my bags, ready to flee from this place. The news about the dead body found inside the confessional of the cathedral had already been spread and so does Theo's assault.

It's just a matter of time before the polizia will come knocking at my door if Theo will testify about my strange escape inside the church. Hades' presence during my encounter with Theo doesn't help, adding more to suspicion.

"John!" I called out to my butler.

I've been pacing like a cornered animal, gritting my teeth with impatience and panic for the last hour.
I've already packed my belongings,   despite Hades telling me to stay put.

However, I won't condemn myself further. I never expected that a mind-blowing sex would escalate to this.

"John!" I shouted again.

My pacing halted when there was no further answer. Sighing, I marched towards the double-doors to peek outside. There was a blue cab waiting but the engine wasn't on. John had called it an hour ago and I'm confused as to why he hadn't alerted me of it's arrival.

My butler knew of my hurry to leave.

He's the only companion I have inside this lonely manor ever since my divorce with Theo, so you understand my melancholy to find something thrilling such as sex with the devil.

"John!" I called out for the third time.

It's getting dark outside already, and the pitter-patter of rain began to hit the roof of the manor.

Sighing, I opened the door and went directly to the still cab. There was an unnerving silence encasing the manor. The same feeling washed over me the first time I entered the place where I offered myself to Hades in a golden platter.


Still, there was no answer.

Approaching the cab, I tried the doors but they were locked from the inside. My breath fogged against the glass when I bent over to look what's inside and nearly stumbled in surprise at the sight that greeted me.

There, in the seat was the driver itself with his throat slit open. Wide eyes unseeing as he stared ahead. The leather was covered in blood and the front glass was sprayed with crimson.

On the backseat was my very own butler, tied and gagged.

"John!" I shouted as I banged my hand on the glass. The shock of a murder in my own manor making my head spin.

The sudden noise caught John's  attention because he screamed and tried to thrash from the bonds that bind him. His voice muffled with the cloth around his mouth.

Looking down at the heel on my foot, I removed it and was about to shatter the glass when a familiar voice stopped me on my tracks.

"Going somewhere, sweet Eve?"

Heart on my throat, I spun around and came face to face with the devil himself.

"What have you done?" I asked, exasperated and eyes wide with fear.

"You disobeyed me, sweetness" was all he replied as he slowly stalked towards me. And just like before, my legs unconsciously moved away from the threat that is Hades.

"Hades," I stammered, trying to form the words that might be my salvation. That might buy me time to escape him because now that the fun is over, I need to outrun the danger that came with playing with the devil.

Chest heaving, I gasped when my back reached the solid surface of the car. Hades moved closer, leaning both arms behind me until I have nowhere to run. My struggling butler trapped inside a car behind me, and the broad chest of Hades at my front.

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