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Chapter 6

What is it you wanted to talk about? Jiya asked as they all were sitting on the floor on the terrace.

See Jiya, Im gonna get straight to the point. I know you and Jaewon have known each other since high school and that it's only been 2 years since we met. But I know how close we've gotten and how close we are with each other. Kangmin said with a concerned look and a soft smile on his face.

See, it's okay if you can't share everything in detail with us. It's fine, but at least give us a hint. We're worried about you. It's been 3 years for us together, and we've seen how uncomfortable you get when Jaewon is around, despite him being your boyfriend. And how sometimes you wear long sweaters or a mask, or sometimes an eye patch. Kangmin continued.

Jiya, is there something wrong between you two? Is he...ab...abusing you by any chance? Woobin said with a sad look on his face. Hearing this, Jiya's eyes grew bigger and teary. She immediately wiped her eyes, but they noticed it.

Haha, what are you guys even saying? I'm totally fine. And I told you, right? I'm just sick, and I'm very clumsy that I get bruises from here and there. Jiya said with a fake laugh. Woobin and Kangmin shared looks with each other.

Don't lie, Jiya. It's obvious now that something's wrong. Woobin raised his voice. Why are you faking it all? Don't you think of us as your friend? Say it already! I'm already losing my patience, dammit! Woobin said angrily and kicked the drum that was lying there. Both Kangmin and Jiya got startled by his actions.

Hey bro, calm down already. Chill, Kangmin said as he got up and tried to calm him.

See, I'm not lying. Please trust me. I know why you guys are thinking like that. It's because of what happened earlier, right? See, it's nothing. Me and Jaewon got into a fight, and it's not a big deal. It happens between couples. And no, he didn't physically abuse me, at least. He was just worried about me because I don't take care of myself. That's it, Jiya said with a fake giggle and teary eyes.

"She isn't gonna tell you anything, so don't waste your time. Go back to your class. Only 5 minutes left for the break to finish." They heard someone's voice behind them and looked back.

"Jaehyun, what are you doing here? And why on earth were you eavesdropping on us?" Kangmin asked with a confused look.

See, neither am I interested in eavesdropping on you nor do I have to tell you what I'm doing here. It's a public building, anyone can come here. Jaehyun said to Kangmin with a fierce look, then looked at Woobin who was standing there with teary eyes.

"Huhh, Mr. President, why are you crying? Are you a bitch?" Jaehyun said with a smirk on his face.

"Yahhhh, watch your mouth, you sleepyhead. And why do you care? We can do whatever we want, just leave." Kangmin snapped back.

"Woahhh, cool down. Fine, I'm leaving. Continue with your stupidity," Jaehyun said and took a last glance at Jiya, who was sitting in shock with puffy eyes, and left, yawning.

"Umm...we should just go now. It's almost time for class. And if there's something I'll tell you, but please don't force me again. It's a request," Jiya said in a low tone, got up while rubbing her eyes, and left. Both Woobin and Kangmin were left speechless.

During class....

Woobin was so lost in his thoughts, he was distracted or very much disturbed, which made it difficult for him to focus on the lecture. He kept thinking about what Jaehyun said earlier on the terrace.

Woobin was thinking, "Why did Jaehyun say those things about Jiya? They're not even friends. And why did he look sad when he saw Jiya in that condition? Is he into her or som---" He was startled and snapped back to reality when he heard someone calling his name.

"Woobin-ah, what's wrong with you, dear? You look so lost today. It isn't like you," the teacher said with a concerned look.

"Umm, s...sorry, ma'am. I was just thinking about something, that's why. Well, umm, again, I'm sorry," Woobin replied, looking down at the floor.

Jiya and Kangmin looked at him with a concerned look, then Kangmin looked at Jiya, and she immediately looked away.

"Oh, okay. But now, please focus on the class. Save that thinking stuff for later," the teacher said to Woobin in a soft tone.

Yes, ma'am. Woobin sat down and adjusted his glasses. He then looked at Jaehyun, who was sitting in the corner, staring at him with a cold gaze. Jaehyun smirked, yawned, and put his head down on the bench.

"Ughh... Today was a hectic day. I'm very tired, and now we have to prepare for club activities," Kangmin said while stretching his arms. He then noticed Woobin, who was lost in his thoughts.

"Woobin-ah, Woobin Jeong, Woobin!" he called his name, but there was no response, so he pinched his nose.

"Yahh, what are you doing? It hurts!" Woobin exclaimed and slapped Kangmin's hand.

"I was calling your name, but you were daydreaming, so I had no other option but to pinch your nose," Kangmin said with a pouty look.

"I wasn't daydreaming. I was thinking about something so serious. Can you please leave me alone, you dumbo?" Woobin said in an angry, but not-so-angry tone.

Watching them bickering like this, Jiya giggled. They both heard it and looked at Jiya. She glanced at them and cleared her throat.

"Well, umm, Kangmin, don't we have to prepare for club activities? Let's go," Jiya said while packing her bag.

"No, you go. You can take a rest for today. Woobin and I will take care of it," Kangmin said with a smile and a soft tone.

"Wait, what? Woobin is in the performance club? When did this happen? I thought he was going to participate in the debate club," she said, looking at Woobin in shock.

"Umm, yes. It's the final semester, and I want to spend as much time as possible with you guys. I heard you need at least 4 leaders, so I decided to be a part of this club," Woobin said with a shy tone and a smile on his face.

Ohh, that's great! I'm really glad we could spend our time together, but please let me stay for today," Jiya said in a sad tone.

"Of course. Not. Go home, and also today we don't have much work. It's just making posters and pamphlet design. That's it. We can handle it very well," Kangmin said with a big smile on his face.

"But how can only you two ju--" Jiya was just saying when she got interrupted in the middle by someone.

"Count me in! All the other clubs are so boring. I think this one looks fun with a nerd, dumbass, and Miss Mystery. I'm going to be in it as well. Thanks," Jaehyun said, looking at them with a smirk and then sat behind woobin.

"Who told you that you can be part of our team activity?" Kangmin said with a big, irritating look.

"Well, for your kind information, it's not a team activity, it's a club activity. And anybody from the class or other classes could be part of it. As your classmate, I'm signing up for the role of leader. And also, you are short on leaders," Jaehyun said with a smirk on his face. With a sigh, he continued, "Well, I don't think anybody is interested in joining you, so now you can't even negotiate with me." He looked at Jaewon's desk, and all the classmates were standing next to him in a group.

"That asshole and these assholes. What's so good about that Jaewon? I still don't understand why they even like him," Kangmin said in an angry tone with a pouty face. Jaehyun just laughed hearing this and shook his head.

"Okay, Jaehyun, you can be part of our club activity. You're welcome," Woobin said with a smile. Jaehyun just looked at him.

"Well, Jiya, you can leave now. We'll take care of everything from here," Jaehyun said to her without even looking at her. She just nodded and left.

"You scared her, you sleepyhead," Kangmin said staring angrily at Jaehyun. Jaehyun just smirked and shook his head.


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