Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

Abbey's POV:

"Do you have everything packed?" I asked Drake leaning on his doorframe. He was shoving practically everything into a small duffle bag and I chuckled at how much he was packing, "come on, man. I packed less than you and I'm a girl."

"I'm just trying to be prepared." He grabbed something from under his western styled bed and shoved it in the bag, too.

"Preparing for the second Hurricane Katrina?" I chucked as I walked into his room, "I mean do you honestly need a... Clown wig?"

"For disguise!" He said frustratedly.

I plopped it on his head and laughed, "well you're definitely the cutest clown. Seriously, you look like an adorable rodeo clown."

"I am not." He growled.

"Yeah, you are. I betcha the nil would fall in love with you because you look so dang cute."

His eyebrows shot up, "you think I'm cute?"


"No! that wasn't what I meant! you look like a cute little kid or something."

Stop lying, Abbey.

"Gee, thanks. I preferred the cute clown."

I pulled the wig off his head and slapped it onto mine. "so how do I look?"

"Like a carnival exploded on you."

"Well that's better than being a baby clown."

"Nuhu. I would so rather be that than in an explosion. At least I'd still be alive."

"Well no one ever said I was dead so were both still breathing, Jake."

"Fine. just put the wig back in the bag."

"No way am I letting you bring this!" I chuckled and tossed it out the door into the hall."

He stuck his tongue out and glared at me.

"See! you are a baby!"

"Shut up!"

I laughed again and peered peered his suitcase. "So are we really gonna do this?" I asked.

"Yeah." he zipped it up and stood to face me, "It's for Riley we gotta."

Would you so the same for me?

"Well the bus leaves in two hours so we better start walking."

He smiled a small, genuine smile that made my heart beat like crazy.

"How much crap do you think Hanna will give you once you come back?"

That was actually something I had been thinking about a lot lately. Hanna had been so good to me and I hated to do this behind her back. But it has to be done and she'll surely understand. She's cool that way. I just hope everything will go well. "She'll probably ground me or something. Maybe cut off me from horses for awhile. Or load up my chores and work around the yard. She's creative that way, I guess. But I know she'll probably understand so I will probably be able to talk her out of any serious punishments."

"You left a note on your bed, right?"

I nodded.

"Sweet. I guess this is it then. We're really going. I can't believe we're actually gonna do this."

"Me neither. Lets just pray we can get on that bus."

He scoffed, "yeah, he better let us on or I'll be having some real nice words with him."

Just then the door opened up and we froze in our footsteps. Jakes duffel back dropped to the ground and he moved the shove it away.

But relief washed I've me when his twin sister Charlie stepped through the door dangling a rainbow colored hair from her finger. "I never thought I'd ask. but is this yours?"

A New Life: Sequel to Because of a DeathWhere stories live. Discover now