Chapter 3

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Chapter 2:

Abbey's POV:

"Do you have everything packed?" I asked Jake leaning on his doorframe. He was shoving practically everything into a small duffle bag and I chuckled at how much he was packing, "come on, man. I packed less than you and I'm a girl."

"I'm just trying to be prepared." He grabbed something from under his western styled bed and shoved it in the bag, too.

"Preparing for the second Hurricane Katrina?" I chuckled as I walked into his room, "I mean do you honestly need a... Clown wig?"

"For disguise!" He said frustratedly.

I plopped it on his head and laughed, "well you're definitely the cutest clown. Seriously, you look like an adorable rodeo clown."

"I am not," He growled, ""Wait, you think I'm cute?"

"No! That's not what I meant!"

Maybe a little.

"Oh don't deny it, this clowns got style." He winked at me.

"I don't need to deny it if it isn't true."

"Not even a little cute?"


Yeah, just enough to make look adorable.

Ugh! Cut it out, Abbey. You do not like Jake!

Then I thought of something, "Why do you care so much if I think you look cute?"

He narrowed his eyes, "I don't. I just want your opinion. I'm sure it would be much easier to get on that bus if I looked cute."

"Well then that should be my job. Gimme that wig," I laughed as I snatched it from his head and threw it on mine, "So how do I look? Adorable or what?"

"Let's just say if you were a rodeo clown, I think the bull would be too scared to charge at you." He smirked.

"Oh that's just cold," I told him, "how about none of us wear this wig and then we can rely on our natural cuteness?" I opened his bedroom door and threw it out into the hallway.

"Deal," then he slumped backward and sighed, "do you really think this will work? I mean she wasn't that close with me before the accident and for her to want to come back is like Mission Impossible without the guns."

"Well we could bring a pistol and if all else fails, then force her back here."

"Yeah, and in the meantime we can have her visit us from jail. I'm serious, Abbey. What if this doesn't work?"

"Then I guess it will be a waste of our time. But we don't know unless we try so we might as well give it a shot. The bus leaves in two hours so you better finish packing."

"Alright, let's just hope this works. When will we get there?"

"Well we'll have to spend the night somewhere because there aren't many buses going that way, so it should be early Tuesday morning."

"Great. But that time the police will be looking for us." He got up from the ground and started pacing.

"Relax, I thought about that. I don't want Hanna getting in trouble from the Foster centre so I wrote up a letter for her and your mom." I grabbed a small flooded envelope from my own bag on the floor and handed it to him.

I really didn't want Hanna or his mom to get worried so I typed up some stuff to calm them down. But I didn't give away our location since I didn't want her running out to get us.

"Let's see," Jake pulled the paper out and began reading: "Dear Mom, this isn't a suicide note so don't worry about me, I just took a few days off from life with Abbey. I'll be back Thursday and will explain more than. There's no need to call the police or get worried. I'm not in a drug trade or eloping. We just wanted to take trip so I'll give you a call once were there to make sure you know I'm safe, Jake."

I watched his face as he finished reading it in one bug breathe.

"Abbey, this is crap."

"No it's not!"

"'This isn't a suicide note,' or 'we're not in a drug trade or eloping?' That's just going to make her more worried! For Pete sake, she's gonna think we're part of the mafia!"

"Kay, first off, the mafia is a Spanish gang. We are clearly not Spanish. And second, there are kids that elope at this young of an age with only one parents consent. So I just wanted to clear that up. And third," I walked closer to him, "you don't have a better note so we're using this one," I snatched it out of his hand, walked over to his nightstand and scribbled the word, 'Mom' on the front of it, "There. Now we're ready to go."

"You're crazy," he said shaking his head. I shrugged my shoulders and picked up my duffle bag. The rug squished under my feet as I walked over to the door, slowly and holding my breathe in fear and anticipation.

This is it. We're actually going to run away. We're going to attempt our own version of Mission Impossible. And I just hope impossible turns into 'possible.'

I reached for the brass doorknob with a shaky hand when the door flew open with a giant whoosh.

A head appeared infringement of me and i could feel Jake freeze beside me. Charlie, his twin sister, stared at us suspiciously.

Did she overhear us talking about our plans? What if she tells?

"Geesh, guys, I though I was weird, but you just beat me. I mean, is this honestly yours?" On her finger dangled the clown wig, swaying back and forth on her polished nail.

I heard Jake breathe out and a laugh escaped from my lips. That was it? The clown wig? Soon, I was full out laughing with Jake clutching his stomachs beside me.

"Dorks," she said and slammed the door.

"Oh my gosh!" I practically cried, "I thought she heard us!" I could feel my heartbeat slowing down from that close call.

"Same, I was freaking out the whole time."

"Then maybe that's out sign to get going," I told him, "the bus leaves in an hour and a half so we need to move now."

"Alright, but we are not getting caught again so we're gonna go out the window." He shot me a smirk and started taking the screen off. Before I knew it, he was gone.

I walked over slowly, my thoughts overpowering me. I knew that this adventure would be a risky, daring, and unforgiving one. I ducked through the window and with one last breathe, left.

A New Life: Sequel to Because of a DeathWhere stories live. Discover now