Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

Hanna's POV:

A note. They left a fricken note. 'Don't worry, we'll be back soon,' is so reassuring when your foster child and her friend just ran off on a little 'adventure.'

I swear I'm going to strangle those kids when they get back! What is wrong with them, running off like that? Did somebody just steal all of their common sense? Uhg! Now I'll have to call Jakes mom, Jolene, and try not to get the police involved.

At that thought, I felt tears prickle from the corner of my eyes. I wiped at them, not wanting my mascara to smudge. But seriously, the RCMP were already wary of me because of Riley and the accident, and now a runaway would make me look like I was being abusive or harsh, or whatever!

I whisked the phone from the caddy and quickly dialled Jolene's number. I had it memorized and a voice answered on the second ring,

"Hello, this is Charlie speaking."

"Charlie! This is Hanna, I need to talk to your mom!"

"Alrighty, but she's a bit of an emotional mess right now. She went to her room crying and I don't know what's wrong. She might be pmsing. She gets emotional."

Oh crap. Jake must've left a note, too. And now she's freaking out more than me.

"No problem. Just put her on the line." I heard some shuffling around and then a voice picked up,


"Hi, Jolene, um," I ran my hand through my hair nervously, "I think we need to talk."

"You think? Our kids just ran off together!"

Ok, I never thought about it that way. They better not be eloping. I think you have to be 18. Yeah, they can't do that for another year. Thank goodness. Or what if they have fake ID's? Dang it!

"Maybe it would be better if I came over. Then we can talk face to face." I told her.

"Make it fast." And withe a sniffle, the line went dead.


I was driving my old pick up truck so fast that I almost missed the neigh from my phone. I pulled it from my back pocket of my wranglers, one hand on the wheel and one sliding through the lock screen. There, flashing in bright white letters, was a message from Abbey.

My foot fell on the brakes.

Abbey: Just wanted to let you know we got to our location 😏😏 will be home in a few days. Gotta complete our mission first 😝

Sly winkey faces? Oh this was not good.

Hanna: YOU BETTER NOT BE ELOPING!!!! AND WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU??????????????????????????????

Yes, all of those question marks were necessary.

I sent the text and drove a bit slower so I would be able to hear the tone over the engine.

Within moments, my screen flashed and I eagerly picked it up.

Abbey: Ewwwwwww that'd be gross. And no, we're on a recruiting mission. That's all I can say. Oh and Jake forgot his phone so could u tell his mom hi?

Hanna: I'm actually driving over to his place now to try and convince his mom not to get the police involved 😡😡😡 I could get you taken away if she does.

Abbey: Oh. Well I hope everything goes well... Got to go.

Ok, I wasn't just going to strangle her now. I was going to hang her! Does she even care that she could get taken away? Stuck in another foster home? End up with a crap family just in it for the money? And what does she mean 'recruiting?' What's she doing, starting a gang!? And who's idea was this? Jakes? Abbey's? Jolene better not file a missing person report.


"Just read the text. Their fine, not eloping, and will be home soon. Just give it a few days, Jol."

She sniffed and reached for another tissue, "Hanna. We've been friends for a long time. You've helped me through the divorce and helped me keep my sanity when I would've lost it any other way. But this is a bit to much. For our kids to do something like that is to outrageous for me and I want them back."

"Jolene, Abbey could get taken away from me if the cops are involved. I lost Riley and I can't loose her. You have to understand. Besides, the cops won't file a missing persons report until 24 hours after they're gone. So how bout we just wait a few days. I trust them. They're good kids with their heads on straight. It's not like they're dealing drugs or sneaking into night clubs. They WILL return, Jo. Maybe they is it needed a change of scenery. You know how Jake gets stressed during rodeo season. Better yet, let's give them a call. Abbey turned her location service off so I can't track her, but maybe you could just talk to him."

I could see Jolene processing everything very slowly. She was unsure, scared, and wary. But we had been friends ever since they moved here and she knows how much Abbey and Riley mean to me. She would never want the girls to get taken away, nor would I want Jake to get hurt. Besides, most of his summer was spent at my house and she knows how much he adores me. They are good kids. I mean, they rodeo, they can't afford drugs. That's their life. They go to small schools with good atmospheres and lots of friends. They'll be back. Besides, if Jake were to run away, he would've taken his horse.

"Ok, I trust you Hanna, but if they aren't back in three days, I'm calling the cops then. Can you just try Abbeys cell?"

I dialled her number and waited for the ring. Once, twice, three times, and then fo- "Hanna?"

"Abbey! I'm here with Jolene! Where's Jake?"

"Erm, hi mom, Hanna." Was the second voice that came one,

"Jake! Tell me you're safe!" Jo practically dived for my phone and furiously jabbed at the speaker button.

He chuckled, nervously, before replying, "we're fine. And we'll be back in a few days, ok? Just don't call the cops, that's unnecessary. So yeah, we gotta go. Bye!"

I hear some shuffling and background voices and then the line went dead.

They were safe. They were willing to talk to us. But they were in a rush. They had to get something done. But whatever that was, I knew they come back.

A New Life: Sequel to Because of a DeathWhere stories live. Discover now