Chapter 4

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Riley's POV:

Monday, September 18 at 8:17 p.m.

Dear Diary,

So I decided to start a diary in case I ever lost my memory again. I wish I would've kept one before. Maybe it would've helped to bring back the past. Whatever, though, I have some other stuff I need to get off of my chest.

Today I was registered at a new school since our other tour didn't go so well... Anyways, it's called Nightertin High School. It's not as weird as it sounds. The school has grades 8-12 and there's a hundred students. I'm in grade eleven and there are fifteen kids in my class. It's kinda nice being in a smaller setting. Anyways, I had an interesting day.

Tiana brought me breakfast in bed to celebrate my new start and then it was rush, rush, rush to get to school. I had to give a introductory speech about me which was kind a awkward. I kept it as blunt as possible, but I probably sounded really... Weird. It went something like this:

"My name is Riley Spencer. I used to live in Alberta. Then my mom died and I ended up living with my aunt in Kelowna."

I decided not to tell them about me being in a foster centre since I didn't want to look like the 'weird kid.' I had a high school movie marathon yesterday so I got caught up on stereotypical high school life. For the most part. Anyhew,

"I was in a horse accident which made me loose all of my memory so I can only recall stuff from the last two months. And then when I woke up from my coma, I met my brother for the first time and I decided to move to Vancouver with him so I could meet my dad, too. Anyways, I have a really weird past that I'm sure you could care less about, so yeah, that's me."

And that was it. I sat down in my seat as fast as I could and tried to catch up on all the stuff they were doing. Our home room teacher was Mr. Strederr and he was actually pretty legit. He was friendly and funny, but still kept rules.

Break actually didn't go as bad as I expected. Everyone wanted to talk to the new girl. And one chick named Samantha practically dibsed me. She showed me the whole school and introduced me to everyone and made me sit with her during lunch. So far it was nothing like a cliché movie.

Apparently she turned out to be a rather popular girl. She was pretty and friendly and actually nice. So not a cliché. So I was eating lunch with Sam and two other girls, Kenzie and Ellie, when this guy walked up to the desk beside me (we eat in the classrooms because the school is to small for a cafeteria. We also all bring our own lunches.) We had our desks in a triangle format and he slid his up right beside mine.

"I'm Colt." He said.

I actually didn't speak for awhile. Sam didn't say anything and since she was normally very friendly, I assumed that was a bad thing. So I said:

"Like the horse? 'Cause I'm not a big fan."

He actually grinned at that and I felt the other girls loosen up. I still wanted to know who he was.

"Funny, and actually my parents own quite a few. I was wondering about your accident. Like how'd that happen?"

That's when Kenzie spoke up all defensive, "Colt, this is her first day, don't go asking her about something she probably won't wanna talk about. Stop being so inconsiderate. We were having a great lunch until you came along."

"Fine, I was just wondering. I'll leave you guys to your gossip now." Then when he was walking away he called back, in a softer voice, "bye Riley."

Anyways, then I asked what the deal with him was. And I finally found out, but my hand is cramping up from writing so much so I'm going to go to bed now.

Goodnight, Diary,


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