Chapter 8

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Riley's POV:

I froze.

I... Punched him.

I don't even know what came over me, either than that I was angry, annoyed, and in pain. Was I always that aggressive? Did I just normally punch people? It just came so easily. Like my fist knew what it was doing. My thumb on the outside, wrist slightly curved, and a direct hit to the side of his nose at a 45 degree angle. It was perfect. And now, looking over to Jake, I saw blood spewing from his nose as Abbey stood in shock beside him.

Maybe I used to be in karate.

"Riley! What the heck is wrong with you!?" Abbey asked, fear flying through her eyes, as fast as my hit.

"I, I don't know." I dropped down onto my knees beside Jake where he was moaning with his eyes closed and his hand clutching his nose. Whoops.

"Well is there ice or something?" Abbey asked, slightly panicking. I pointed to the kitchen and she fled to the freezer.

"Grab some cloths, too. And the dishrag!" I called to her as Jake slowly opened his eyes again.

"Good hit," he grinned, slightly wincing.


"So why are you guys here?"

Jake took a long slurp from his coffee, yes I felt that I owed him one, and now we were seated on some couches in the sunken living room. They were on the love seat, how ironic, and I was on the Lay Z Boy.

"Well, we kinda had an unusual idea to just surprise you," Abbey began, "and we wanted to ask you a question," She watched me roll my eyes, took a deep breathe, and then continued, "now that we're here, will you come back with us?"

That was it? They wanted me to go back with them? After I worked so hard to leave. Fat chance. I had other things to do. Like my sleepover on Friday. And trying to figure out more about my home town and Marissa and everything that was left behind. And I definitely want to track down a will. Any money that I could get my hands on could mean that I'd be able to provide for myself if I ever needed to move or start over by myself.

"There's no way that will happen." I bluntly told her. "There's other things I need to do here. Things that keep me far, far away from there."

"Oh yeah, like what?" Jake challenged.

"I wanna go to my real home," I spat, "find out some stuff about me, get to know some answers. Maybe find my old house or a will."

He looked at me smugly. "And just how do you plan on doing that?"

"I don't know. I'll find away. Maybe Mark or Brad will take me. Heck, Tiana would probably drive me out there and call it a bonding trip."

"But you don't know that for sure." He replied smoothly.

"No, but if they don't then I'll just end up finding another way. It's not that hard."

"Says the person who has no money, vehicle, license, job, or directions. Solid plan you have."

"So what's it to you? I'll hitch hike for all I care."

"I don't doubt that you would. And it means lots to me, actually. I'm willing to strike a deal up with you. Abbey and I will drive you out there, visit your house, talk to lawyers, and try to find a will. Whatever you want. I have a buddy on the circuit who lives out here. I know for a fact he would let us borrow one of his families older trucks. We will do all of that, heck, I'll spend two weeks out here helping out. But you must do one thing."

"And that is?"

"Come back with us after. If we spend a week with you, then you spend a week with us. If it takes ten day, then you'll come back to the ranch with us for ten days. If it takes a month, then you're back with us for that whole time. It could take a day and all I would ask you for is for a day of your time back home. Do we have a deal?" He pulled the ice pack off of his eye so he could extend his hand for a shake.

I looked at it, hesitant. Or maybe j was more indecisive. I could always get them to help me and then just run back here. It was tempting. I would be able to uncover everything I wanted to know, and maybe pull a few strings along the way.

Slowly, I reached out.


A New Life: Sequel to Because of a DeathWhere stories live. Discover now