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Snowwolff jumped up in the air and shot down on Frost, knocking him over. Snowwolff pushed down on Frost's tail, pinning him down. Frost pushed himself up and tried to claw at Snowwolf's talons but missed, and she swiped at Frost's snout. Frost let out a roar of pain.

"Where is Blizzard?" Snowwolff growled.

"I-I don't K-know." Frost said.

"What is going on here?" In a haze of pain, Frost saw three dragons come out of the cave: Blizzard, a sandWing with a golden brown earring, and a SandWing-ish dragon With no tail barb came out of the cave.

Wait a minute... That's Sunny, one of the famous Dragonets of Destiny. Wait, then, who is the other SandWing. That golden teardrop on his earring looks so familiar....

When they came out, Sunny's eyes went wide when she saw Frost's bleeding snout.

"Blizzard! I've been waiting six years for my revenge, and now I finally have it." Snowwolff lunged at Blizzard.

Everything was happening so fast. Claws were swiping. Teeth raking. Sunny was yelling at them to stop, and Qibli was trying to get in between them. Frost saw Snowwolff's claws go up above Blizzard's heart.

But she hesitated. She just stood there, frozen still; her claws were still up. For a moment, nothing happened. Suddenly, her head whipped around to stare straight at Frost.

Snowwolff grabbed Frost and put him on the side of the cave wall.

"Finally." Said Snowwolff.

Snowwolff's claws went back up. Frost managed to wiggle a talon out of Snowwolff's grasp and tried to block, but it was too late. It wasn't a dream this time. Blizzard, Frost's best friend's uncle, the only family he's ever known, since he hatched.

I should've known not to trust Snowwolff in the first place. I should've listened to Blizzard when he said to get to the back cave. I shouldn't have been so stubborn all the time.

Blizzard was dead.

Authors Note:


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