Buddha Box (i)

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"Craig?" I call. He has that stupid box on his head. "Craig," I call again.

Our hands are intertwined, but that's not enough. I want him to acknowledge me; take off that stupid box and kiss me.

I call his name again, this time squeezing his hand.

"What?" Craig spits, "can't you see I'm busy?!"

"Can you take the box off? Please?" I ask, fiddling with his hand. "I'm busy," he repeats.

"Craig...," I sigh. He goes back to ignoring me. I lean my head on his shoulder. I feel annoyance build up inside of me. I completely let his hand go, and move away from him. If he doesn't want me, he won't have me.

I sit on the floor, far away from him. I curl up in a ball, and stare at him. It's like he didn't even notice... or doesn't care.

A few minuets pass, and I get tired of waiting for his attention. "I'm leaving, bye Craig," I mumble, standing up and looking at him. He doesn't even move, or say anything. With that, I leave his bedroom, and begin my walk towards my house. I move in silence.

God, as much as I love Craig, I hate him too. What does that stupid box have that I don't?

I decide to stop at my parents' coffee shop. I hadn't had a cup all day; and had withdraw symptoms. I sigh, and open the door off the shop.

"Tweek, darling, how was your hangout with Craig?" My mom calls. "It was okay, I guess," I sigh. "What happened?" She asks softly, "I'll make you your typically order while you explain.

"It was good at first, watched movies, cuddled, hung out," I began recounting. She let out a hum as she grabbed a coffee cup and began brewing the drink.

"And then he put on the stupid Buddha box!" I say, pinching the bridge of my nose, "It's like I wasn't there, and all that mattered was his phone,"

My mom sigh, and pours the coffee in the cup. "Oh, baby," she mumbles, handing me the coffee cup, which I gladly take. I sip it. "It's just annoying," I mumble, letting its a sigh.

"Does it hurt?" She asks. "What?" I reply. "Your feelings. Does it hurt your feelings?" She repeats, placing her hand on top of mine. "I guess...," I mutter.

"No stable relationship should make you feel hurt. I'm not saying Craig's a bad guy, cause he's not. I love the boy, but if he hurt you, maybe you two should take a break?" She suggest, squeezing my hand tightly. "...," I stay silent. "And that doesn't mean you'd have to be over forever. Just a moment so he can collect himself, and realize he doesn't need that box," she adds.

"I..," I pause, "I will."

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