Buddha Box (ii)

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I lay on my bed, the only light I see coming from my phone. I scroll through Pinterest, not even thinking about anything but my phone.

I feel my phone vibrate. It's a text, from Tweek. I click on it, opening it up.

Today; 9:57pm

Tweek <33:
Craig, I'm sorry, but we need a break

This user has blocked you

(Not delivered)

Im sorry, I love you!
(Not delivered)

(Not delivered)

I quickly take the box off my head, and throw it on the ground. I slide my shoes and coat on before rushing out the door.

"Where are you going, mister?" My mom asks, looking up from her phone. "I need to talk to Tweek, it's important," I responds, unlocking the front door. She gives me a look, and rolls her eyes. I slide my phone in my pocket, and run out the door. Luckily, South Park is a small town,

It only took me about 5 minutes to get me to Tweek's house. I knock on the door. His dad opens up. "Craig," he says. He does not sound happy. "I.. I need to talk to Tweek," I pant. "Did you- you know what, fine," he groans, opening the door.

I knew better than to run, so I quickly walked up to Tweek's room. I knocked on his door. "Who is it?" Tweek calls out. "Me," I respond, still catching my breath. "Go away, Craig," he says. "Please," I respond, "I really need to talk to you."

He opens the door. "What," he mumbles, scowling at me. "I'm sosososososo sorry," I begin, tears brimming my eyes, "I'm an awful boyfriend, and you deserve better."

"That's all you came to say?" He asks, "and did you run all the way here?"

"Yeah," I respond, looking towards the ground. He grabs my shirt, and pulls me down to his height. "Craig, I'm pissed off at you, and a simple sorry won't fix it," he replies. "I figured," I sigh, "and I understand why you'd want a break, but... I love you. More than anything."

His face heats up. "I love you too," he responds, letting me go, "but I'm still mad."

"I know," I pause, "and if it makes you feel any better, I'll burn the box."

He looks up at me. "Really?" He whispers. "Really," I confirm.

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