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If only I hadn't been so stupid. If only I hadn't written that dumb letter to Mr. Mackey. If only I hadn't admitted to being gay in that stupid, stupid letter. If only.

"Tweeks a homosexual!" Someone calls out. That someone is no other than Eric Cartman. Fuck.

He was holding my note in the air, waving it around like a flag. Everyone was turned towards me. All of their eyes were burning into me.

Suddenly, a very loud, yet monotonous voice speaks up. "Shut up, fatass."

That was Craig, my best friend. "Standing up for your little boyfriend, huh, Tucker?" Cartman replies, and brings the note to his eye level.

"Mr. Mackey," he reads, "I'm scared. Everyone wants me to be something I'm not. My parents, schoolmates, and teachers. Maybe I'm overthinking like I always do, but I can't help it. I'm gay. I don't know what to do. Please help. Signed, Tweek."

"Shut up Cartman!" Craig shouts. "That's his fucking business!"

He snatches the note from him. "Whether you like it or not, there are gay people. So if you have a problem. Kindly- you, know, Rudely, go fuck yourself," Craig says, and flips him off.

He then walks over to me and gives me the note. "Ignore that fucker."

"Thank you, Craig," I mumble, a faint tint spreading across my cheeks.

"No need, it's what friends are for."

I swear he's blushing.

Cartman starts whining and yelling loudly. "Cartman, the was well deserved," Mr. Garrison mutters. "If this has impacted you that much, go to Mr. Mackey."

So I don't feel like finishing this, but it's in my drafts so-

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