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June 10


I stepped out of the jeep onto tired and aching legs. My entire body was sore, heavy, and absolutely fucking filthy. The sun beat down from its angle in the sky, the amount of heat still radiating from it despite the fact it was so late in the evening was alarming. Didn't it ever cool off here? I was really tired of sweating all the damn time.

Once on solid ground, I turned and started to collect gear and supplies from the back of the jeep. This had been our sixth rural site clinic in as many days, and I was absolutely exhausted.

Normally, the medical team remained on site, rarely venturing out into the surrounding terrain to run clinics. But on occasion, it would be done, to try and reach more people. The plan had been to do four clinics this week, in varying areas of the region. Each night we would return to base, regroup, restock supplies, and head out the next day. But four clinics had turned into six, and there was talk of another tomorrow.

Word of these on site clinics was short and limited. Smith explained that was necessary for our safety, and the safety of those attending. If insurgents caught wind of our site, and the fact that we were mobile and less than prepared for an attack, it was ideal for them. Arrangements were made through colleagues, and friends of those on site, who would set up a space for us, and spread the word to locals and others in the area. It was like a primitive game of telephone, but in all, seemed effective. Each day, we say almost two hundred people, with varying illnesses, conditions and complaints. It was so shocking to me, as I took in the line ups, the people, the rarities. These people needed this so badly, and yet they had such limited chance.

The cases I saw had been....shocking. Of course, there were the usual, basic complaints. Dizziness, parasites, and the like. All the things you would expect for those who weren't able to get constant and reliable health care. But then there were the cases that stuck with you, and haunted your dreams.

One man had come to the clinic on the second day out, complaining of a growth to his leg. I had thought little of it, allowed to observe and photograph cases seen by Neil during the day. But the moment the man dropped his trousers, and showed his issue, my eyes widened. A massive growth, approximately the size of a grapefruit, bulged from the back of his left leg. It was firm, with no discoloration. He denied any pain, unless pressure was applied. After many questions, and thorough investigation, Neil figured he had pulled a muscle years ago, causing damage and fluid collection. At home, we would rest an injury, allowing it to heal. Here, that wasn't a choice. This only caused fluid and damage to continue to accumulate, creating the wound as we saw it.

The next day, at a site in the complete opposite direction, I met a young girl of about fifteen. Her ailment was immediately notable, as her spine curved in such an angle, she was bowed over. She had scoliosis, and such a severe case, that her spine created an S shape to the side, as well as bent her over. Will was concern that if she did not receive corrective treatment, eventually she would crush herself. She was taking by jeep to the nearest hospital site, with directions for clinicians there to refer her to orthopedics. The cost, of course, would be taken on my DWB.

Another case seen was a young man in his early twenties. He couldn't have been any older than me, and yet he carried himself with such grace and strength. He was missing the lower portion of his left arm, his brother explaining it had been cut off in an altercation with local rebels. They had done their best to care for the wound, using natural remedies and the like, but wanted to seek western medical attention. Will admitted he was impressed at the wound, having seen many similar that were not as well cared for. There were no signs of infection, and despite the less than surgical cut, he said he was rather well maintained. That was one of my first of the realities of this region, and how normal such a horrible act seemed to be for these people.

Afterlife: ReincarnationTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon