A Combative Contest to Come Forth

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With the sun illuminating the early morning sky upon Beacon Academy, it was officially the day of the Golden Boys' most desired academic venture: Combat Class. Weiss had messaged them beforehand that she and the girls were waiting for them outside the dorms, mainly because Team RWBY wanted to walk to the cafeteria for breakfast together. Finally, after five minutes, the dorm door opened, revealing the aforementioned first-year quartet, with their leader glaring at them with a cute pout.

Ruby: You guys are late!

Jay: (Yawning a bit) Sorry, that's on me...

Yang: (Teasingly smirking in Jay's direction) Aw, what's wrong, Sleepyhead~? You tired~?

Jay: (Rubbing his eyes) A little bit. I had to stay up and take care of some unfinished business. I'll be fine once I get some espresso in my system.

Weiss: (Holding up a finger) I concur. A hot cup of coffee sounds lovely right now.

As Jay chuckled in agreement, Mateo looked at the ground and recalled the conversation between his younger brother and Cardin yesterday. Knowing that he almost let the beast within get ahold of him, he feared his younger brother might lose control. However, Blake called out, breaking him out of his thoughts as his head quickly tilted up.

Blake: Morning, Mateo.

Mateo: Oh. (Nods) Morning.

Blake looked over at Jay, who had carried on with a slight grin beneath his mask as he further conversed with the remainder of her team. Ruby had covered her mouth to stifle a giggle while Yang simply chuckled aloud, much to Weiss's ire, as the heiress shook her head in disappointment. Blake wondered why Jay was so serene after last night's horrifying events, then looked to Mateo, who stood with his vision fixated on his team. The dark-haired bookworm pulled the tall ex-mercenary by the wrist, eventually dragging him with her toward the door.

Mateo: Oi! Nande?! *

The rest of the team watched Blake's actions as they heard Mateo's voice.

Ruby: Blake?

Blake: (Stopping in her tracks) Sorry. I just need a minute with Mateo here. (Turns her head back with a fierce scowl) We'll catch up with you guys later.

Mateo: Hold on! Don't I get a say in this?!

Blake: It's going to take a little bit of time. Don't be a baby.

Blake had walked out with the elder Golden Boy in tow as she opened the door. For five minutes, she didn't stop until they had reached the hallway bathroom on the ground floor, tugging Mateo in front of her so that she could close the door. This left the spikey-haired swordsman with a sour disposition as he looked down at Blake with a stern glare.

Mateo: (Crossing his arms) You'd better have the best reason for dragging me down in the middle of the morning.

Blake: It's about Jay.

Mateo: What about him?

Blake tensed with a shiver. She, too, crossed her arms to relieve the memories of Jay pouncing on her in a fit of feral rage. She leaned her head down, inhaling a shallow exhale that softened Mateo's expression.

Mateo: (Raising an eyebrow) Blake?

Blake: Mateo. How come you or Jay never told us?

Mateo: Told you what?

Blake: About Jay. His condition. About the fact that he's a Fau-

Mateo covered her mouth in a flash and pinned Blake against the door. Seeing that this was her second time being restrained, Blake violently struggled to free herself to the point of rapidly kicking her feet about to try and strike back. This only heightened her fear as she saw him leering at her with his pupils glowing a menacing shade of red.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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